I'm too fuckin lazy to even spell my name right!
Maybe that's why no one likes me.m
Except for Rico.
He's a fucking nasty ass pervert anyways.
Legit. He only likes me cause he thinks I'm "pretty."
Lucas is being a fucking ass, too.
I could tell you what has been going on with him, but I'm seriously so pissed and tire that it isn't even a possibility.
Just leave a comment on what you think happened.
Then Tony went and admitted to Kat that he used to like me.
I used to like him too.
Actually I still kinda do...
But it was all a fucking joke.
I could tell by the way he was acting today.
I also sort of like one of his best friends, Pablo.
Which makes me think I have gone insane, because he's not cute.
He is funny though.
That's about it though.
Am I getting desperate???
Nah, if I was desperate I would go for Rico.
Kat sent Jackie and I a message saying that her sister got run over by a car an that she just got out of surgery.
It's April fools too, so I'm confused as to if it was a joke or not.
Bianca also butted her filthy ass face into almost ALL my effing conversations today.
I mean I understand that at the moment you have about two friends, but your getting kind of clingy, don't you think.
So back the fuck off.
Only two of my track girlies came to practice today, so it wasn't as much fun.
Then my mom was late picking me up!!
Ricky left before me, and as he was leaving he was eyeing me with that whole "what's she doing there all by herself.. Is she a stalker?" Face.
I just wanted to go up to him with hi friends and be all like," yes, mofo! I'm a fucking stalker/vampire and I already know where the f you mofos live, so run!!!"
I don't though.
I had to get my inner sugar glider to calm down.
Kat can tell you about the sugar glider thingy.
Y'all should really appreciate this though.
I'm suppose to be taking a shower right now, but I figure I can do that in a few more minutes.
I also stole Kat's book.
In my defense, she wasn't her today, and she lent it to Jackie who gave it to me.
Now I'm reading it.
I had a great Easter thanks for asking

7th. Unfortunately.
Non-FictionMy names Delia. I know not really the right way to start off a story, but I believe my story revolves a lot around it. You see so much has happened since I entered sixth grade, that I couldn't let it go undocumented. So this is my story along with m...