So Bianca didn't come to school on Monday. Big surprise. If I had the slightest hint that someone had caught me lying I wouldn't come to school either, but of course, I'm also sort of hoping that she just moves. I would like that, like a lot!
So here's why happened...
She came to school on Monday, and she totally acted like nothing was wrong! The whole time I'm over here thinking ," No! You b with an itch that's not how it works!" I mean I played along of course, but I mean what was I suppose to do? Slap her? If I did that then my hand would be caked with foundation from how much makeup she wears. Plus, she doesn't even blend it well and it the completely wrong color for her skin. Umm, hello? We aren't from the jersey shore. You also are Snooki. Of course this whole little act didn't last long.
In third period, Kat was finally like ," Don't you have anything to say, Delia?"
So I'm over here like... Thanks. Thrown out on the spot. I didn't actually wanna fight with her, I mean I had spent a good 20 minutes on my hair. I didn't want to mess it up! Plus, she gets viscous with her fighting. She's even slapped me before! So ya. I didn't exactly wanna start screaming at her.
Of course now Bianca knew something was up. I swear she went from smiling to bitch face in a matter of seconds. She was just like ," Ya, if you want to say something go ahead and say it to my face."
So before I say what I said next let me give a little refresher. In L.A. On Friday I specifically told Bianca ," It wasn't Kat'a decision to "lose" the powerpoint. It was mine. So you can't really be mad at her." Yet she still went and told Kat that I had blamed it all on her. No bitch. Sit down and let me put you back in your place, because who do you think you are to try and fuck up my friendships? Plus how many other fucking times has she done this??? Ugh. I'm still so mad! Off topic though.
So I told her ," Stop pretending like everything's cool. It's not. I told you Friday that it wasn't Kat's choice to delete the PowerPoint it was mine, yet you still went and told her I blamed it all on her. That's not cool."
So she says ," I didn't say that!"
Kat looks at me. She even told me Friday that she had said that when Kat was mad at me, because she thought I had blamed her. Bianca was lying
Then it was time for lunch. So we go to lunch. When we sat down, I didn't expect so much to happen, but a lot happened.
Bianca tried to deny it. The. She tried to make it seem like she had been telling the truth. She droned on for like 10 maybe 15 or 20 minutes, and I honestly couldn't tell you what it was about, because the whole time I was thinking ," That dumb bitch. She's obviously lying. You can't trust her. I will probably never trust her again. Then Lucas walked by and I was a little starstruck... Then I focused again."
I finally got into what they were talking about. I looked at Bianca and asked her," Do you honestly feel like you did nothing wrong?"
She looked up with this smug little look and she said," No."
So I looked at Kat and Jackie and I stood up with my lunch tray and said," she doesn't think she did anything wrong. There's nothing we can do, if she believes she didn't do anything wrong." So I walked away, threw away my trash, sat back down, and I thought that would be the end of it. Boy do I have bad judgement when it comes to the "end of things".
Bianca starts screaming. She starts saying insults at all of us left and right. The whole time I stood there unfazed. I don't know whether it was because I knew not to take it to heart, or I just didn't care. Probably both. Bianca noticed, and she was happy about it. She screamed at me," How can you just sit there?! That's what I hate about fighting with you, because its so hard to faze you! You seem in affected by everything, and I hate that!"
I don't even remember answering to that, but if I did it was probably some smart mouth comment that made her web more mad. Maybe I didn't respond at all. I honesty can't remember. I think I started daydreaming and I was only half listening. Sorry Bianca, if you ever see this, which hopefully you never will, then know I just couldn't concentrate on your annoying voice that is only capable of saying half syllable words. Li-ke. Ser- ious- ly? Real- e? Wow.
Some of us are better than that. Oops!
Now comes in handy Jackie's physic powers. She had said on Friday that Bianca was probably just jealous. Not to mention she predicts this whole fight. She is very odd. And smarty. Maybe she calculated the fight! We shall never know... But still! Off topic!
Then Bianca said," Fine! I was just jealous."
Then Jackie and I start talking, because she had predicted it, but Bianca took it we were thinking about her.
So she says," I'm not jealous of you, Delia! I'm jealous over the fact that every body thinks your some perfect little angel."
When I say," Well, I sort of am."
Bianca gave me a nasty look for that one before continuing, she starts saying some shit about how we always gang up on her. Which is obviously not true, because I'm usually wishy washy. As much as I hate to say it, I usually side with go ever came to me first and gave me a really convincing speech. Bianca's a lot faster than Kat. So whenever they fight, Bianca gets there first most of the time.
Kat's got super mad the whole time. So they start another argument before Bianca's just says," You know what I do t even know why I bother. I don't even like yall!"
So I stand up and say," Then why are you still here? Why sit with us? Why talk to us? If you don't care, the. Why bother? You can just leave. Simple as that."
She was shocked. I think she expected us to beg her to like her again. I honestly think, though, if she left, none of us would care. I think we would be a lot happier.
Then we left the lunchroom, and when we got back to the classroom Bianca goes over and starts screaming at Kat in front of the whole classroom. She's looking like a complete idiot and saying all this shit. Everybody was looking at me, like what's going on? I just said," I don't even know anymore. She's taking one fight in a hundred different directions."
It didn't get better for her the rest of the day. She got her last friends in trouble. All of her backup friends, which are her friends when she gets I to fights with us, they all know they are backup friends now and don't want to be backup friends. She was alone. It may make me sound like a horrible person, but I felt like she deserved it.
A shouting to who ever can guess where the phrase of the day of from!
" You don't think you need help, which means you need it even more."
Hint: Bonnie

7th. Unfortunately.
غير روائيMy names Delia. I know not really the right way to start off a story, but I believe my story revolves a lot around it. You see so much has happened since I entered sixth grade, that I couldn't let it go undocumented. So this is my story along with m...