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Lemme just start out by saying.


I don't like Matthew ok..!?

Why do you keep saying that?

Okay so my best friend is like obsessed with the way my ex boyfriend smells...

Da fuck did I just type.

Well I am sad.

I can't keep my iPod at night anymore (THANKS DELIA)

Well on Friday night we went to see safe haven with one of our friends and a bunch of popular people were there... We shouldn't have gone.

The movie was good though.

So on the way there, Delia (idk what the F she was thinking) brought up how we used to text until 2am.

Da fuck?!

Why the hell would you say that in front of my parents?!

Well my dad got mad and said I couldn't have my iPod at night anymore... :(

So now I'm actually gonna have to SLEEP. Ugh.

So Im going to the P!nk concert in 2 weeks! Yay!

I don't really know what else to write so... Ya.

- Kat

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