Delia 11:08

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Kat. Not sure what to say, but she seems dedicated to Bianca losing this fight. Not sure what's gonna happen to their friendship, though. Bianca's probably going to apologize, and I still believe Kat's going to accept.

She treasures that friendship. She uses the same old speech every time. It goes something like," She used to always tell me how I was the only one who never left here. How can I walk away, then? I want to be the friend that is known for not walking out when someone's going through a hard time. So that I can be trusted."

Let me tell you this. I was always the one telling her that she was ring taken advantage of, which she was, that she was being used, which Bianca did often, and that she shouldn't have to put up with all this bullshit, which no one should.

I guess I'm the tells it how it is, reality type of girl, but I like to think I'm pretty loyal. I will defend anyone I'm loyal too. If you call my friend something, I'll be the first to go up and say something to you about it. When I do that the other person usually end up being talked about for a long period of time, because every ends up knowing about it, or super ashamed because I did it.

Like last year, this guy who I don't even want to take the time to give a name, we shall call him asshole, told my friend Maria that's she was a bitch and embarrassed her because she liked him. She told me when we were going to get ice cream. So on the way to put up our ice cream passes I went up to him in front of ALL of his friends and said," Your such an asshole." All of his friends must of heard, because they all started laughing at him. Maria stood there shocked, because she didn't think I'd actually do anything, and when I got back to my table, Kat gave me a pat on the back and looked proud of me. I was pretty damn proud of me too.

Of course, I only do things like that when I get my bursts of confidence. Which actually is just another term for adrenaline starts pumping a little and I end up doing stupid things that we can't stop talking about later. I'm sure Kat could write a WHOLE chapter on my little bursts of confidence. Mainly, because she's caught some on tape. Yah, leave a comment and vote and I'm sure she'd be happy too!

Anyways, I protect those who have my loyalty, but if I can't trust you, then I'm not loyal to you. Which is what happened with Bianca. I haven't been loyal to her, since the summer. I will probably never trust her again. What sucks too, is that last year Tony warned me. He reminded me the other day when I wasn't with Kat and Jackie. He said," You know you should have listened to us last year, when we told you not to get involved with Bianca and Kat."

So I said," Maybe next time I'll listen now that I know you have such good advice and wisdon."

He just kinda smiled and laughed, and ever since that conversation something just changed between us. Now Tony and I talk a lot more. He's dating one of my oldest best friends so it's not like romantically, but it's nice. He's like my bro, and I had been missing talking to him.

In the middle of all this crap Bianca started, reconnecting with Tony was nice. I really appreciated him in that moment. I guess he has good timing

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