Well let me just start out by saying yes. I skipped school on Friday because I needed to.
I needed one day away from the stupid drama at my school and the stupid teachers and the stupid freaking people.
Just one day.
I came home all upset on Thursday because of freaking Mr.M (which ill talk about later) and my mom made me tea and these chocolate things (idk what they're actually called) and then she asked me if I wanted to stay home on Friday.
And yes.
I did.
Just one day... Like come on.
Well apparently Delia made cupcakes which I actually really wanted to try.
And Rico apparently was doing shit idk... But I never really know what Rico's doing...
Lucas just annoys the shit outta me... I mean I know Delia likes him but I think he's just stupid.
But no.
I wouldn't have let her give up on him.
Bianca told me that she brought my skirt on Friday when I wasn't there.
Sure bitch.
Sure you did.
Why would you randomly pick that day... When I asked for it like a week ago..? And not even tell me? You could've just kiked me and said "Im bringing your skirt".
Thats all.
And then you didn't even leave it in our locker...?
Well on Thursday I was really mad.
Really fucking pissed off.
Because Mr. M took of 5 points and gave me silent lunch because the sub told him I was passing notes...?
Heres what really happened.
I had my agenda on my fucking desk.
That's it.
And this dumbass sub comes over and takes it off my desk and says "you're not supposed to have this out."
Wait... What?
It's my agenda bitch.
Now out of that.. Where the hell did passing notes come from???
And it wasn't just me.
Alot of people got in trouble for stuff they didn't do.
And he wouldn't even listen to us.
He wouldn't even... Ugh I'm just so mad.
And the girl who sits next to me who I was "passing notes with" was crying really hard.
Like really hard.
On her points page she was down all the was to like in team or detention or something and she said her parents were going to kill her.
And then she started writing suicide notes.
Like bad ones.
And now I'm like totally pissed off.
Well today was Monday and our "plan" was to be completely silent the whole class in social studies.
Well... We failed.
After like 10 minutes we were just as loud as we always are.
Today was kinda awesome and kind of terrible.
To start out, it was pretty boring until language arts.
I really need to get a filter on what I say to my teachers...
Well on our way out we were all pushing and it sort of got out of hand.
People fell over and got smashed into the wall.
I, being in the front, got pushed into the pencil sharpener by some chick named Madison, who got her really long hair stuck in the door.
No to mention everyone (about 30 kids) was laughing and yelling.
Then someone opened the door and we all pushed each other out.
Some girl in the hallway looked at us like we were crazy.
The only reason I'm telling you all this is because it made me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time.
Then in orchestra and the beginning of math, Bianca and I went to the counselor, where we told her everything that happened.
And I'm not supposed to talk about it other than that so yeah.
But me and Bianca don't hate each other anymore.
Definitely not friends, but not enemies I guess...
Delia and Jackie think that she thinks we are friends though...
But idk. I don't think she thinks that.
Well today in social studies we were working as partners ( me Jackie and Delia) and we laughed so hard we cried, and our faces turned red.
Mr. M even asked us if he needed to call an ambulance.
I love my friends... I really do. They're hilarious and they make me laugh so hard...
Delia said that she would talk to Lucas today, but she didn't. Like always... :(
Well there Delia.
I did a long one.
Be proud.

7th. Unfortunately.
No FicciónMy names Delia. I know not really the right way to start off a story, but I believe my story revolves a lot around it. You see so much has happened since I entered sixth grade, that I couldn't let it go undocumented. So this is my story along with m...