1/17/13 - Kat

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Well this is kind of delayed, but I wanted to wait til now cuz a lot of stuff happened over the week. Lets start with Saturday.

On Saturday, Delia came over to my house, and we did a bunch of stuff but I'm gonna fast forward to the important things... With Lucas.

As you know, I never liked him.

Well, on Saturday, we texted him from my phone. And he said he would call us later.

Let me just add that when we were texting him, he called Delia "silly goose" which he calls her all the time. That's important later.

So later, when he called it, I dared Delia to say that she still liked him, and she did. Here's how it went on the phone:

Delia: So.. I still kind of like you

Lucas: what?

Delia: See Kat he didn't even hear me

Kat: Just say it again

Delia: So I still kind of like you

Lucas: Who is this?

Yep. And then Delia gets up and runs out. But Lucas is still on the phone.

Kat: Are you still there?

Lucas: yeah

Kat: That was Delia, and she got really upset when you said who is this and she ran out. This is Kat now. Is there anything you want me to tell her for you?

When I looked at my phone though it said that he had hung up...

Later, we called him again.

Well... I called him...

And started playing Someone Like You by Adele...

I pretty much called him and said "Here you go!" And started playing it.

Delia like... Grabbed my phone and threw it outside....

Well anyway, that's how that phone call went.

Then we texted him and he told us to leave him alone.

Delia was all depressed...

The next day though at school, he denied the whole thing and said it was his brother the whole time.

But Delia and I knew he was lying... Because he called her silly goose. And he always calls her that...

Well yeah that's the weekend thing Delia was talking about...

So today's Thursday.

And well yesterday, Bianca came to school and was like crying, but she wouldn't tell us why, because it had something to do with this other girl that was her friend...

This morning I sort of told her stuff like

"I thought we told each other everything"

And she got all pissed off.

And Delia totally like sided with her the whole time...

But we made up at lunch and it was all fine.

But in Social Studies, Delia had to go to the Honor Roll icecream party, so me, Bianca and another girl decided to work together since she was gone.

When Delia got back, she was mad. She said she wasn't, but it was pretty damn obvious she was... She wouldn't look us in the eye and she turned away when we tried to talk to her. Then she denied being mad..

We didn't even do anything, so I was confused.

But when we were walking to the buses, she said she wasn't mad... Just upset.

Well that's all for now :) talk to you guys later, Bubye!

- Kat

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