Kat on Lucas

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Okay so once again, Delia decides to talk about whatever the hell she wants and leaves me to tell you what actually happens.

Well screw that.

I'm not gonna (#yolo)

But I will tell you what sorta happened.

Bianca made a huge effing deal out of a mother effing sandwich, and then the next day she slapped me.

I would've punched her, but that would've been animal abuse.

Well Ill let Delia tell you more about that day...

( Btw if you have Instagram tag your pics #7thunfortunately ) I wanna see who reads this...

Okay so since Delia talked about Lucas I'm gonna talk about Lucas.

As I've mentioned before, I don't like him.

Never have.

I was actually kinda scared of him last year because one time in science like 1 week after school started he said "Hi Kat" and I was kinda scared cuz he knew my name....

Idk why I was stupid last year.

I honestly think Lucas just doesn't know what's going on.

I think he thinks he knows what he's doing but he really effing doesn't.

Like some of the stuff he does is just freakin stupid.

The dumb stuff he says and does to Delia pisses me off.

She says she loves his personality, but he's so terrible to her.

I wish people would just tell eachother how they really feel.

Like just be straightforward and tell someone how you feel.

Just do it.

Just be brave for once.


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