Chapter 6

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We had been shopping and talking for hours now. Finally it was movie time!

"What you guys want to see?" Jay asked

"This looks interesting and different" Jazmyn pointed at a poster

It was a movie called "When I Found You, You Saved Me". I now want to know what it's about.

"I'm all for it!" And Jay turned to look at me

"You? Up to watch this chick flick?" He asked shocked

"Yea I want to know what it's about "

"Okayyyyy, how long is it?" Jay asked

"It says two hours and fifteen minutes , not to bad right John ?"

"I guess not , we can still go to that party afterwards" John said

"Party ? What party ?" I asked walking to get tickets

"Oh. yea. sorry. I was pose to tell you John asked us to go to the party with them" Jazmyn said smiling at me

"You couldn't tell me either Jay?"

"Jazmyn said she had it under control so I thought it was already settled" he said looking me in the eyes

He wasn't lying either. His eyes just looked at me and I stood there blank.

"So are you cool with it or what Kai?" John asked breaking jay and I moment

"Yea sure whatever" I responded

We walked in and got popcorn and drinks.

"I want the blue slushy" I told Jay

I hope he wasn't looking for anything special in return , cause I'm not giving anything but a thank you in words.

We got our things and walked to theater 7 where our movie played. It was a decent amount of people in here.

"I want to sit down there" Jazmyn pointed

"I don't I'm sitting right here" I took my seat

"We can go down there you two stay right here" John suggested

"Alright whatever , no baby making!" I called out to John and Jazmyn

"What's up with you?" Jay sat next to me

"What you mean?" I asked confused scrunching my eyebrows

"It's like you're angry at every suggesting someone makes"

"No I'm not , it's just I like to have an opinion also"

"Well sometimes you should just go with the flow"

Wow . Was he angry that I just made a suggestion ? I don't like sitting that close , I mean who does? Your neck cramp up and everything! But why is he so bothered by my opinions? ... I just brung my knees to my chest and drank my drink , I didn't want to say anything else. I'm officially alone and just watched the movie.

' But why Michael? Why can't you just accept the way I am , you think I wanted to leave you when I was young ? I had no say so my parents were going to move us no matter what especially if I told them I fell in love with a boy I've been dating since 5th grade! If you can't accept the changes why are you always around do you even like me ? Huh? Because I don't want to waist another breath if you dont! Do you Love me michael? Do you? '

This girl was in tears, talking her heart into every word , It was like I could feel her pain. Everything that ever hurt me , well that I thought hurt me , wasn't real. I mean like that didn't upset me , it was my ex BF who broke my heart by moving that made everything bad or made everything hurt. Why did I relate to this movie so much ? Maybe it was a good idea to see this movie.

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