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It was a normal Saturday morning. Yeah it's UA it's never a normal Saturday morning. Izuku was caught up with a villain and now been effective by a quirk. The quirk is unknown for now. Three Aizawa, Katsuki and Izuku standing in Aizawa's office discussing how wreck-less Izuku's actions were. "Midoriya, do you realize going after that Villain was foolish, you could have died!" Aizawa yelled. Izuku looked down. He knew going after that Villain was  stupid but that villain had taken a hostage. There was no way he'll just let a citizen suffer from the actions of a Villain. "I couldn't let that lady die" Izuku defended himself. "I get that but have you forgotten, your a hero in training! Not a pro yet! You have have your license but that doesn't mean you do pro hero work! Damn it" Aizawa shouted.

Katsuki was just worried for his green boyfriend. They had no clue what quirk Izuku got hit with. Katsuki was tired of hearing Izuku and Aizawa argue. "Shut it! Deku! You were in the wrong, I get that there was a life on the line but the pros were there! They could have did something! Now you effective with some type of shitty quirk and we have no fucking idea what it does!" Katsuki yelled. That shut them up. Aizawa soon got a phone call from the police. "Hello" he said to the phone. "Shota Aizawa this is the police, we found out the quirk of the Villain, they have the ability to manipulate the actions of its victims. It'll last 24 hours goodbye" with that the police hung up before Aizawa could ask anymore questions. "So what did they say?!" Katsuki asked desperate to know.

Aizawa sighed. "He was hit with an quirk that manipulative his actions, meaning sometimes he'll do stuff he doesn't mean to do. I don't think it's an very effective quirk and it only last 24 hours so there no need to worry" Aizawa said. Katsuki sighed in relief. His Boyfriend was safe but not in tact with his actions at the moment. "So with that, get out it's a Saturday morning" Aizawa commanded. Katsuki took his boyfriend's hand and went back to the dorms. "Kacchan so I won't be in control of my actions for 24hours?" Izuku asked. "No, but it shouldn't be effective like that, you still have your mind just not your movement so you be good." Katsuki said.

Izuku remembered he's supposed to tutor Denki today. "Kacchan I have to tutor Kaminari today!" Izuku shouted. Katsuki nodded and kissed his boyfriend "later" because bye means forever and their not leaving each other ever! Izuku walked up to Denki's room and knocked. A few knocks later Denki finally opened the door. "Come in!" Denki said happily. Izuku walked in ready to tutor Denki. "So what do you need help with?" Izuku asked. "geometry" Denki replied with. 20 minutes of studying and Denki was finally getting the hand of it. Izuku was eyeing a weird looking sculpture on Denkis desk. Without thinking, without command he knocked it over.

As the glass broke on the floor Denki's eyes widen. The glass had gotten in Denki's arm. Denki was badly bleeding. "Kaminari! I'm an so sorry I didn't mean to!" Izumi yelled. "Midoriya! That was 60,000¥! And my arm! Damn it! Why did you do that?!" Denki asked as he was hissing from the pain in his arm. Izuku didn't know why he did it. In fact he had no control. All they know is that Izuku purposely knocked over that sculpture. Denki was a bit upset he never thought Izumi would do something like this. "Get out!" Denki yelled at Izuku. "Kaminari your arm!" Izumi shouted. Denki got up and opened his door. "I'll go to recovery girl, just get out!" Denki commanded. Izuku got up and left the room. Denki had slammed the door behind him causing Izuku to flinch.

Izuku sadly went to the kitchen to get some tea to clear his mind on what just happened. He took the tea kettle and put water in it. While the water was boiling Shoto walked on the kitchen. "Hey Midoriya, it's my turn to make dinner tonight so what do you want?" Shoto asked. Izuku just stared at the Kettle and back at Shoto. "Udon would be good." He said. Then Izuku took the kettle with boiling and walked over to Shoto. Shoto was confused and scared at the same time until he had a flashback and quickly moved before any boiling water could hit him. "Midoriya! What the hell?!" Shoto shouted. Izuku quickly realize what's he doing and throws the kettle away from Shoto. "I-I'm didn't mean-" Izuku tumbled on words. Shoto was to scared by trauma to speak so he ran out the kitchen as fast as he can.

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