A hell of a Family

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A/N: :)) Ya love me, I don't regret the last chapter. I haven't made an an Family AU yet have I?🤷🏽‍♀️ don't remember anygays~ this is BakuDeku child, his name is Katsuma Bakugou. Yes there all Villains. Izuku is a quirkless Villain while Katsuki has explosions like canon, Katsuma Quirk is called mind seaker. He has connections to your mind by sight. He can control you and been use your quirk against you. Let's get into the story.

Izuku was always a kid of pure heart, now he's a man of pure haterd to everyone expect his family. His whole life he's been fucked over being people can't get over themselves about the society of quirks. Who tf cares! Katsuki didn't. He loved Izuku no matter what and always stood by his side. Middle school was a limit. Izuku was pushed passed that limit, everyone had underestimated the strength of Izuku, he was one hell of a kid. He killed his main bully. His bully told him to take a swan dive off a roof a building, and that's exactly what he did. How would Izuku know that knife throwing off the roof would kill someone, how would Izuku know his bully was there. If you ask me it was an accident. That's what the school believed. But it was no accident, Izuku felt so broken that killing was the only thing keeping him awake. At first killing was an unhealthy addiction Izuku had, he would kill Anyone that even walked his direction. Of course his addiction didn't last long but killing was still a huge routine to Izuku's life. Inko never found out, in fact no one found out except Katsuki.

Katsuki landed on the aggressive side, though he was short tempered he still had feelings barely anyone considered. Just like Izuku he was bullied this time because his quirk was labeled as Villainous. When Katsuki was younger he had accidentally blew up a whole car with an family inside it, causing the family to die. Ever since then Mitsuki had been aggressive and violent while Masaru was neglecting and Manipulative. That can break a kid (A/N:^^ yeah thanks "Father"). One day he got news that all his bullies died. It was weird but he wasn't complaining. Honestly he was getting annoyed by them, he was considering doing it himself, looks like someone beat them to it. On day he was walking to Izuku's house, Inko welcomed him in with open arms. What he saw was a version of Izuku he had never seen before. Innocent quirkless Izuku, with blood on his uniform and a knife in his hand. "I told you fuckers to leave Kacchan alone, you wanted a monster, I'll give you a monster." Izuku said glaring at the dead body. Katsuki at first was shock but then glad, glad not only that bully was out the way but glad that Izuku the one to kill them, he loved him for that.

After that day Katsuki started killing for Izuku sake. Their was a few times that Izuku almost caught him but he managed to quickly get out of that situation. Izuku found out the day of Katsuki parents death. Katsuki was glaring tears falling from his eyes blood all over his clothing with an long blade in his hands. Katsuki himself had cuts all over him from Mitsuki. He snapped. He couldn't take it anymore and killed both his parents. He couldn't take how toxic they were, all because a stupid fucking quirk accident that happened years ago. "I DONT WANNA FUCKING BE A HERO! I DONT WANNA BE PERFECT!" Was the only thing you heard out of Katsuki mouth. Izuku hugged him from behind, comforting the broken blonde. Katsuki saw that Izuku was hugging him but then hugged back. After that day, they faked their deaths and ran away for Inko's sake. Inko was the only one that truly cared for both Izuku and Katsuki, there was no way they wanted to put that on her. Izuku and Katsuki got married at an young age. Then a few years later they figured out Izuku wasn't quirkless.

His quirk is called birth. He has the ability to get pregnant without any female organs. Do birth without an uterus was possible for Izuku. Izuku and Katsuki were both 18 when they heard the news that Izuku was pregnant. They were both happy, they considered starting a family but didn't know it was possible due to the fact that they were both boys but now realized it was possible. Those 9 months they laid low for the sake of Izuku and the baby. They decided to name the baby Katsuma.Katsuma was an unique baby, a smart one. He knew a lot of the his age, he knew about this rotten society at a young age. Katsuki and Izuku wanted the best for Katsuma, they wanted him to choose his own path. Of course Katsuma wanted to be a hero at some point and Katsuki and Izuku were all for it but just like his parents, history repeated it's self and society fucks him over.

Katsuma is now 16 while Izuku and Katsuki were now 34 and well known as Villains. The LOV couldn't even stand a chance, they feared Izuku and Katsuki, everyone did except Katsuma and Inko. Inko caught on and comforted them on it a few years back when Izuku was pregnant. Inko accepted them and Izuku and Katsuki was happy, they all lived together though Inko was cut out of any Villain work, she may be supportive but blood isn't her style. Katsuma just started his villain career. Present time, Inko was cooking dinner for everyone as Izuku and Katsuki were having a movie night. Katsuma was out,  He had friends, Eilli Kirishima and Limoncello Sero, they were all killers. Eilli and Limoncello parents were pros so their story was different yet similar to Katsuma's. When Katsuma came home he was covered in blood. No not his blood but the blood of his victims. Katsuki and Izuku both looked up at Katsuma in pure shock. Izuku got up. "Katsuma! What did I say about tracking blood inside the house! And I just brought you that outfit." Izuku pouted. Katsuma rolled his eyes. "You mean stole the outfit, the only one in this house that still buy things is Grandma." Katsuma said.

Izuku pointed upstairs, gesturing Katsuma to go and shower. Katsuma took his bloody shoes off and went upstairs. Izuku let out a huff. "I don't know what you mad at, he gets it from you." Katsuki said being sarcastic. "I was not that bad in high school." Izuku said. Inko rolled her eyes from the kitchen. "Yeah yeah, because murdering a whole jr. high isn't bad." Katsuki said once again being sarcastic. Izuku raised an eye brow. "You really want to sleep on the couch tonight don't cha." Izuku said crossing his arms. "I'll shut up now." Katsuki said going right back to watching the movie. Izuku giggled and went into the kitchen to see his mother struggling to place all the sliver wear on the table. Izuku quickly helped her. "Mom, why didn't you ask for help?" Izuku frowned. Inko smiled. "I didn't want to disturb your movie time with Katsuki, you 2 looked so cute." Inko said. Izuku smiled and hugged Inko. "This isn't how I imagine he future to be, but honestly mom, I wouldn't have it any other way." Izuku said laying his head on Inko's shoulder.

1267 words

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