No way out

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A/N: Villain Izuku X Hero Katsuki, no trigger warnings- i don't know actually- anyways- let's just just into it ig- 2 more days until my birthday 😊😊

Izuku was pacing back and forth in the LOV base. Tenko and Toya was just watching as the green hair boy stressed over his said Kacchan once again. "Calm down Izuku, you're going to explode." Tenko said. Izuku stopped and stood still. "Do you know, what I been through cause of him, and now look, he's a Fucking hero! While im stuck! Being a low life villain! With all of you!" Izuku shouted. Tenko rolled his eyes while Toya was dramatically offended. "Listen kid, if you really wanna stop him so badly, do it yourself." Toya said. Izuku thought for a moment, "yeah, matter of fact I will, thank you very much!" That was the last thing Izuku said before walking out the LOV base.

Tenko sighed. "That kid just wanted a normal life, he can't have that here, matter of fact, he's too gone." Tenko said, Toya nodded. "Shiggy, it'll be better if he never came back, if he starts all over and stop obsessing over this boy." Toya said. Tenko nodded. It was only the 3 of them for about some time now, unfortunately Himiko Toga and the rest decided to change and move on with their life, Tenko and Toya wanted to as well but decided to stick with Izuku to see how long he'll manage for. They had some hope that they can change Izuku's mind about heroes and about Katsuki. Tho Katsuki did ruin his life.

Izuku stormed down the street shooting anyone that even walks his path. His kill count his over 10 thousand and it's sad to say but he's that person that doesn't get a change to change. His fate his so packed on revenge he doesn't even care about the death sentence awakes him if he gets caught. Izuku doesn't have a quirk but damn he can shoot, his aim is as good as Katsuki using his quirk. That's why he both feared and hated, he never misses a shot. Tho Izuku liked using swords better, as soon as Izuku was out of ammo, he throw his gun away and took out both his swords.

That's when Katsuki came. He pinned Izuku down to the ground. "Who are you villain?!" He shouted at Izuku. Izuku chuckled "hell you don't even remember the kid you ruin." Izuku said. That's when it hit Katsuki."....Izuku?" Katsuki said. Izuku laughed, but I wasn't a cute one. He got out of Katsuki grip. "You don't recognize me, I'm the villain that took so many life's just because you took mine." He started. "You have everything! You keep getting everything! And what do I get! I get nothing!" Katsuki was shocked, he did this...he ruin this pour soul all because he was quirkless and wanted to be a hero.

Izuku got his swords in fighting position. "I have nothing to lose, I already lost everything I was fighting for, now all I have is nothing, but you." Izuku says as he lunges towards Katsuki, Katsuki dodged quickly. "Izuku please, we can talk about this, you can still change." Katsuki yelled out. Izuku laughed again. "You don't get it don't you? I can't! Even if I wanted to, there's no way I can ever go back to being Izuku Midoriya, now I'm just a boy who commit mass murder. I'm not going back, I'm far gone, and you did this! You killed me! You!" He said once again lunging at Katsuki.

This time the blade hit Katsuki's cheek glazing the skin a bit but not too much. Izuku tried it again but Katsuki was able to dodge. "Why aren't you fighting back!? Don't tell me you feel bad!" Izuku shouted. "I don't wanna hurt you!" Katsuki shouted. "Why not! You didn't seem to have a problem with it before remember! I used to go home with bruises from you every day! No matter how much I begged for you to stop! Begged for you to leave me alone! You never did! You always had to have my blood in your hands every time you were done when me." Izuku said

Katsuki was shocked, he knew it was true, it did this, he fucked up Izuku and now he has to pay, why should Izuku get punished for what Katsuki did to him, on what the boy created. The creation isn't the only one that gets destroyed but also the creator, the person who made the monster. Izuku was able to cut Katsuki's arm a bit but not too much, enough to draw a bit of blood. "Come on! Fight back! Attack damn it!" Izuku shouted. Katsuki couldn't, he didn't want to hurt Izuku again, he didn't want to go back and make that same mistake, but if he didn't fight Izuku, Izuku wouldn't only attack more, maybe even kill more people but if he did, he'll only prove to Izuku he didn't change, that he was still that same Kacchan back in middle school.

Katsuki saw it in Izuku's eyes, he didn't want to do this, he didn't want to be broken, he didn't want to kill the innocent. If Izuku was himself back in middle school, he would have cried, and cried and begged for the pain to stop, begging to be free. Katsuki as well, he made this, he should end it, he should set them both free, fix what he has done, fix the flaw in his code, fix the broken in Izuku's eyes. Katsuki took out his grenade and let Izuku jump towards him. Katsuki grabbed Izuku hand and Izuku who was expecting a punch, was actually greeted by a hug.

Izuku was confused. "Izuku...please hear me out, I'm sorry, I'm really am sorry, and I know nothing that I do or say will change the way you feel, and you know what, I don't blame you, in fact I agree, I do deserve to die, I don't deserve the change, so" Katsuki took the top of the grenade. "Let's die together." Katsuki said. The bomb went off killing both Izuku and Katsuki who were in each other's arms before death.

1058 words
I'm tired-

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