Well not to me!

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A/N: I came up with this idea while listen to Family line. Ya I'm in my Villain era, Lmao like me stop lying, School is about to start, my YouTube channel is set but I don't know if imma continue with Wattpad, I might take a break. Ummm angst will play a huge factor in this chapter, let's get into it.

Izuku was having a conversation with his best friends, Tenya Iida and Ochaco Uraraka, getting a little to engaged in the conversation, Izuku started muttering, his muttering made Ochaco's head spin a bit. Tenya noticed this and quickly acted. "Midoriya, please, we can't understand you when you mutter." Tenya said as nicely as possible, well for him. Izuku quickly stopped talking and bowed in embarrassment. "Sorry Iida-kun, Uraraka-san, old habits die hard." He said, rubbing the back of his head. There was a visible red blush on Izuku's cheeks, making him look like a strawberry. Uraraka shook herself out of her dizzy state. "You really should get that under control Deku-kun, don't want to scare anyone with the muttering." Ochaco said. Izuku was still embarrassed, he didn't think his muttering was a problem, he was his way of coping with overthinking, muttering out loud is his way of trying not to overthink in his head space.

"Sorry guys, it's just something I did since I was younger, ever since then speak my thoughts out loud, even tho it's like a way of coping with my Anxiety and such..." Izuku once again was muttering. This time Tenya and Ochaco wasn't to happy about it. "Midoriya!" Tenya said. "Please, as wonderful as it is to hear your voice, your muttering can get irritating once in a while." Tenya said. Izuku chuckled nervously, hiding his devastated expression. As much as Izuku would love to just stop muttering, he can't, it's not something he can just stop over night. Izuku didn't want to speak again, knowing he'll probably muttering more stuff, instead just walked away leaving his friends confused on Izuku's sudden disappearance.

Izuku walked down the halls of the common area, where he saw Mina and Momo. Mina stopped Izuku in the halls. "Hey Midoriya, I came up with a new move for my acid, do you want to see it later?" Mina said, Izuku was about to accept happily, but then he remembered what Tenya said, he might mutter and that would annoy his friends. "Sorry Ashido-san, I think I might quit analyzing." Izuku said which shocked both Mina and Momo. "Huh? But why?" Momo asked. Izuku rubbed the back oh his neck, nervously. "My muttering, have been getting out of hand, I think it's best if I just stay quiet." Izuku said. Momo and Mina shared worried looks, this wasn't Izuku, sure his muttering was random and super hard to understand, but that's who Izuku was, what type of idiot put that in his head, Mina and Momo thought.

Izuku walked away, not wanting to bother the 2 girls anymore. Mina and Momo started walking to Katsuki's room, they originally wanted to go and get tea and talk about some Gossip that heard from the second years, but thought this was way more important. Katsuki is Izuku's boyfriend, if Izuku was going through a tough time Katsuki could comfort him through it, despite being his boyfriend, they were childhood friends, they know eachother better then everyone else at UA, matter of fact, better then anyone else in Japan. They knew each other since they were in diapers, if they were adults, they would be each other emergency contacts.

It's been a week since this all of this happened. Mina and Momo told Katsuki, Katsuki wanted to wait a bit before going to talk to Izuku about this, since then Izuku didn't talk, he was quiet, even when All might came, he wasn't fan boying or anything, this worried a lot of people, he didn't even have his books anymore. Katsuki knew he had to say something, this wasn't like Izuku, to just shut everything out. However Izuku himself wasn't doing so good, he kept thinking about what Tenya said, did everyone really think I was annoying? Could I possibly lose his hero career for muttering? Am I a bother to my friends? Am I a bother to Kacchan? What if they get rid of me? What if they want me out the class? What if Kacchan wants to break up?

All these thoughts in his head, he didn't get a wink of sleep, nor had the appetite to eat, the visible dark cycles under his eyes and his pale skin proves his state. The teachers was even worried. All might went up to Izuku during training. "Midoriya my boy, is there something you want to talk about?" all might asked, concerned for his Prodigy. Izuku weakly smiled, which only resulted in All might frowning. "I'm fine All might." Izuku said, going right back to training. All might was kinda upset, he missed when Izuku would rant on and on about different ways he can improve his quirk, he missed his joyful analysis student, they all did.

Katsuki tried to talk to Izuku, but Izuku would only say things like "I'm fine" or "don't worry Kacchan". Katsuki was worried, Izuku would normally mutter his struggles to Katsuki, Katsuki would love sitting for hours, hearing Izuku's voice, muttering how he's improving his quirk, what happened with his friend group, how amazing Katsuki was. He loved Izuku so much, everything Izuku did, was amazing to Katsuki's eyes. Katsuki watched as Izuku walked away from him. He was about to follow him until he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked behind him to see the hand belonged to Tenya Iida.

"What do you want four eyes?" Katsuki asked, really not having the time to conversant with people he barely considered as friends. "I made a huge mistake." That's when Tenya explained everything to Katsuki, that he is the reason Izuku was acting weird the last few days. Katsuki's blood boiled. "How fucking dare you" he started. "Do you have any idea what you put in his head! He thinks he annoys us with his muttering, that's your fault you don't understand it! Muttering his a way of coping. It's not something he can control." Katsuki placed a finger on Tenya's chest, hardly shoving him. "You know what anxiety can do to a person? You're to apologize to him when I finish talking to him, then after that, never talk to him again, since his muttering is annoying to you and fucking round face." Katsuki didn't give Tenya a chance to speak before walking to where Izuku's dorm room is.

Katsuki had a extra key, he used it to open Izuku's door. There he saw it, he saw Izuku in the corner with his head in his knees. He looked scared, exhausted, depressed. He was clear he was recovering from a Panic attack. Katsuki closed his door, locking it. Katsuki walked up to Izuku and kneeled down to him. "Izuku?" Katsuki said, saying "Deku" didn't feel appropriate in the situation. Izuku looked up, ashamed oh himself, he looks like a wreck in front of Katsuki. "K-Kacchan." Izuku wanted to apologize for the way he looked, he wanted to tell Katsuki he was ok, but he knew Katsuki didn't believe that. "Talk to me." Katsuki cupped Izuku's cheeks. "What's going on in your mind." Izuku started to tear up, pouring his heart out to Katsuki, how he was worried of everything he build up was gonna to disappear because of his problem.

"It's not a problem, it's who you are, if they can't handle it, then they shouldn't consider themselves as your friends." Katsuki said. Izuku laid his head on Katsuki's chest. "I know I can be annoying with my muttering." Izuku was cut off by Katsuki. "Well not to me! And nor to the people that care about you, we're worried Izuku, please, I miss you." Katsuki said. Knowing Izuku was missed, knowing that some people saw him as a friend and not an annoying mutter, made him happy, it made made him so happy. Izuku hugged Katsuki, tightly. Katsuki patted Izuku's head. "Let's go eat nerd, I'll cook Katsudon." Izuku eyes led up, "I love Katsudon! Thanks Kacchan! You're the best! I was really hungry and didn't eat anything, I guess I really don't have appetites when I'm feeling like this." Izuku stopped himself when he realized he was muttering. "Why'd you stop?" Katsuki asked. Izuku looked up at him and smiled. He started ranting again about how horrible his week was.

Loving the angst- as someone with a muttering and stuttering problem- I can relate to this.
1471 words

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