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A/N:YA ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!! 23 MORE DAYS!! Ok so Think if this Canon but Bakudeku happen. So Izuku as One for all.

It was 3am, Izuku was studying non able to sleep. He was pissed off that Katsuki wasn't here to help him study and since it's near Christmas mid terms and finals are coming. Everything was like a burden to Izuku, even breathing air felt so time consuming. Izuku now couldn't focus. The only thing that was running through his mind was Katsuki. "Stupid Kacchan! having to leave when I need him to most!" Izuku yelled. Only the All might themed walls heard him. Izuku started to tear up in frustration. He then pushed all his books and flipped on his bed sobbing into his pillow. He snuggled into his pillows hoping the comfort of the soft cotton would help him fall asleep. Unfortunately it didn't, it only made him sob more. Twisting and turning on his bed didn't help either, he just couldn't get comfortable, the bed was too big yet the room felt so small. Izuku decided to just close his eyes until it was time for him to wake up.

A few hours later Izuku found himself spacing out. The sunlight from the sun rise is what woke him up from the trans he was in. As the beam of light hit his eyes he grunted, throwing the All might theme blanket on his head hoping it would hide him from the day. It didn't work. He heard a knock at the door. Izuku just stood here hoping the knock would go away but it didn't. The knock only got louder. "Who is it!" Izuku shouted sounding a lot more irritated then his cheerful self. "Hey Deku-Kun it's me Ochaco, I was wondering if you wanted breakfast, Kirishima-kun made some." Ochaco said from the other side of the door. Izuku got up out of bed and walked over to the door. He sighed as he opened the door exposing his horrid conditions. Izuku's hair was all messy while his eyes were red puffy with dark vision circles under them. His whole Aura gave off an depression expressing, that worried Ochaco. "Deku-kun, are you ok?" Ochaco asked. Izuku huffed and ignored the question, it was obviously he wasn't, why ask a question if you knew the answer to it.

Ochaco sighed as she figured he wouldn't answer the question. "So, are you coming for breakfast?" Ochaco asked this time an reasonable question. Izuku yawned. "no thank you Uraraka-san, I'll eat later." Izuku said hoping the girl would leave. Ochaco nodded taking the hint he wants to be left alone and walks away. Izuku slammed the door which startled Ochaco. Ochaco was surprised, she haven't expected Izuku to act like this but then realized Katsuki wasn't here and mid terms were coming up. It was a stressful time and Izuku really doesn't have anyone to help him through it, the only one that could handle Izuku when he was still cranky was Katsuki, but Katsuki wasn't here. Ochaco made her way back to the common area where the rest of the class was eating their breakfast. "So is Midobro coming?" Eijirou asked flipping a pancake. Ochaco shook her head. "He has an attitude, a bad one too, reminds me of Bakugou." Ochaco said. Everyone was confused, they never took Izuku the type to have attitudes. Eijirou put the plate of pancakes down. "I'll go talk to him, if I can handle Bakubro I can handle Midobro." Eijirou said.

Eijirou walked to a door that said "Izuku Midoriya" on it. He knocked, he heard a loud groan from the inside of it. Izuku opened the door to see Eijirou standing happily by the door way. "What?!" Izuku shouted too tired to deal with this right now. "Come on Midobro, let's eat breakfast, it'll help with the mind." Eijirou said. "What's makes you think I'll come with you if I blew Uraraka off." Izuku asked putting his head on the door. "Because if I can handle Bakubro if his bad moods so I can handle you." Eijirou said, that made his blood boil, how fucking dare he compare Izuku to Katsuki. "Fine you want Kacchan, I'll give you a Kacchan, Fuck off shitty hair!" Izuku yelled as he slammed the door. Eijirou foot was their, he was expecting an outburst like that. "Ok 1, That hurt coming from you and 2, come on Midobro, I know your hungry, you can go right back to studying after." Eijirou said. Izuku huffed. "Fine...and sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Izuku said. Eijirou gave Izuku a reassuring smile. They headed into the common area, Ochaco was shocked that Izuku actually came. Izuku went straight onto the kitchen not making any eye contact to any of his class mates. Ochaco sighed. "He willingly came with you?" Ochaco asked. Eijirou shook his head. "He was harder then it seemed, he called me shitty hair and told me to fuck off right after I compare him and Bakubro, he also tried to slam the door in my face but I stopped it with my foot." Eijirou said. That shocked the class.

Izuku huffed as he heard the conversation. Why the fuck was everyone talking behind Izuku's back like that? Izuku finished his food and quickly washed his dish. He then went into the common area to see Hanta and Denki in his way. "Excuse me." Izuku said, but they didn't move, they didn't hear him. Izuku was to irritated to handle this right now. Hanta and Denki were being way to loud to even hear Izuku politely ask. Izuku tried to ask again but was immediately cut off by Denki stupid laughing. Izuku was pissed at this point. "MOVE OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY! GOD! Sero there's no need for you. To block the whole goddamn way with your huge as elbows and Kaminari stfu! Get your quirk under control then laugh like your on some type of drug." Izuku said pushing pass both Hanta and Denki. Izuku stormed up to his room, he slammed the door so hard it knocked down a picture that was hung up in the common area. Denali and Hanta were kinda hurt by that statement. Hanta has always been insecure about his elbows and Denki never really knew how his quirk worked in the first place. "Hey come on, Midobro didn't mean it, he's Oblivious to whats he saying right now." Eijirou said. The class agreed. What they needed was Katsuki. Katsuki was the only on that knows how Izuku is when he is cranky.

Eijirou dialed Katsuki number. It took 10 seconds for him to answer. "Bakubro thank god your answered." Eijirou said into the phone. "Yeah yeah, what's up Shitty hair I'm driving back to UA now." Katsuki said back. Eijirou sighed. "It's...Midobro, he has a bad attitude." Eijirou said. That shocked Katsuki. "Damn it! Alright, keep him busy until I come back alright?" Katsuki said into the phone. "Alright Bakubro, see you in a bit." Eijirou said before hanging up. Eijirou put his phone away before walking up to Izuku room once again and knocking. Izuku slammed his book on the desk and angrily got up and opened the door. "What do you want Kirishima, I'm busy." Izuku said. Eijirou sighed. "Come on Midobro, everyone is at the common area, come join us." Eijirou said. Izuku huffed. He knew they weren't gonna leave him alone. "Fucking fine." Izuku said. Eijirou smiled. "Let's go to the common room then." Eijirou said happily. They make their way into the common area where Izuku just sat in the couch and went in his phone. Eijirou sighed. The class was playing a game. Izuku got annoyed with them but he knew they'll just annoy him more if he left. "What do you think Midoriya-kun." Mono said. Izuku wasn't paying attention to anything his class mates were saying. "I think you should shut the fuck up." Izuku said rubbing his eyes. Momo frown kinda expecting that.

Kyokua patted Momo on the back assuring her everything is ok. "Midoriya I think you should apologize, that was mean and not very hero like." Tenya nagged. "Neither is attempted murder is it, and besides I didn't ask her to talk to me, she brought that upon herself." Izuku said staring right back into the phone. "Midoriya I think you should calm down." Tenya said once again. Izuku put down his phone. "Shut up! God do you ever stop talking! All you do is nag!" Izuku said. Tenya got up. "Your not in the right mental stage right now so I won't take that to heart." Tenya said. Izuku raised an eyebrow and got up as well. "What is that supposed to mean Iida." Izuku said. Tenya now realized that he messed up on that line. He was unintentionally calling Izuku crazy. "I'm going to ask you again, what the fuck is that supposed to mean Iida." Izuku said walking closer to Tenya. Tenya slowly backed up not wanting any problems. Izuku was beyond pissed he was about to throw a punch at Tenya until..."DEKU!" a voice yelled out. Izuku turned around to see Katsuki. "Kacchan? Your back early." Izuku said sitting back on the couch going back on his phone.

Katsuki snatched the phone away. "Izuku, look at me when I'm talking to you." Katsuki said. Izuku looked at Katsuki. "Catching Attitudes, slamming doors, name calling, teasing and fighting, really!" Katsuki shouted. Izuku huffed. Katsuki was used to this, it wasn't very often Izuku would get this cranky but when he did it usually ended up in 3 stages. Stage 1, frustration stage 2, Annoyance and 3, regret. Katsuki lifted up Izuku's chin. "Teddy bear....look around you and tell me what you see." Katsuki said. Izuku did just that. What he saw broke him. His friends with worried eyes staring at him. He looked back at Katsuki with tears in his eyes. Izuku then lunged himself onto Katsuki tightly hiding his head into his neck. Katsuki rubbed Izuku's back as he felt hit tears in his neck. The class sighed in relief, no not because Izuku was upset crying, because Izuku was finally realizing his behavior. "Come on, let's get come sleep."
Katsuki said as Izuku stopped crying into his neck.

THIS WILL BE THE LAST CHAPTER FOR THIS STORY- the lies I tell lol this will go up until the day I die. There's like 19 cases of COVID in my school....might not go tomorrow
1175 words

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