Part 2

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Sang’s POV

         “… and Victor, Kota and I walk in, and there’s Trouble, shaking her pretty little ass and singing along with her iPod as she cooked. It was the most adorable thing ever.”

         AND… I was turning bright red again. Meanie had already told this story once already. Did he need to tell it again?

         We were sitting in the courtyard before school. Victor and Kota were on one bench, Gabe and Luke on the other. Silas and North sat on the ground on either side of me, and Nathan was sprawled on the ground in front of us.

         “How long were you watching me?” I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer.

         Kota smiled. “I met Victor and Gabe in the driveway on my way over, and Nathan jogged up as we got to the door. He ran into the shower, and we went into the kitchen. From what I could tell, we walked in as one song ended and the next began. You looked up at the clock but didn’t see us, and went back to danci… I mean chopping onions.”

         Only half a song? That wasn’t that bad. It could have been worse, right? I mean it’s not like they videotaped me or anything.

         “Since we’re all here now…” Meanie pulled out his phone, hit a few buttons, and everyone’s phone chimed. Everyone except me. “Enjoy!”

         All six of the guys began messing with their phones, and then they each started watching something. I leaned over against Silas’s arm so that I could see his phone. He tilted it toward me so that I could see it clearly. There I was, dancing around the kitchen, singing into my knife. Wait! I didn’t really do that… did I?

         North nudged me. “Pretty cute, Baby. What song was that?” 

        “‘Raised on It’ by Sam Hunt.”

         Luke looked up at me, confused. “Since when do you listen to country music?”

         My phone chimed. There was a text.

 SEAN: You’re looking terribly cute this morning, Pookie.

         I blushed.

 SANG: Thanks?

         “Since Karen nabbed her iPod and put a bunch on there,” Nathan answered for me while I was responding.

         “And you like it?” Victor seemed wary. Did none of them like country music? As I thought about it, I realized that I had never heard them play any.

         “Well… some of it.” I paused. “I like all kinds of music. I just thought I’d give it a try.”

         Victor smiled at me. “Princess, it’s ok to like it. It never crossed my mind. I may have to give it a try, too.”

         Every head turned to stare at him like he had grown a second head. Victor? Listening to anything but classical?

         “What? If our Princess likes it, it can’t be all bad, right?”

         Luke and Meanie started arguing that yes, it could be all bad when all of our phones chimed. We all checked the text message.

 BLACKBOURNE: Family meeting tonight 6pm Mr. Morgan’s house

         I sighed as the guys all began typing.

         “What’s wrong, Peanut?”

         “It’s nothing. Just dinner.”

         Nathan raised his voice. “Hey, guys! Wait!” They all stopped typing. “Let Sang answer first.” He looked at me. “Ask for a change.”

         “I can do that?”

         Kota chuckled. “Of course you can, Sweetie. Just ask.”

 SANG: Can we move it to Nathan’s house?

         All the phones chimed.

 BLACKBOURNE: Might I ask why, Miss Sorenson?

         Oops. I should have explained.

 SANG: I have dinner for all of us in the slow cooker.

         The response was almost immediate.

 BLACKBOURNE: Very well. Family meeting 6pm, Mr. Griffin’s house.

         I looked around. They all grinned at me, and then went back to typing.

 KOTA: I’m in.

 NATHAN: It’s your house, too, Sang. I’ll be there.

 SILAS: Sang’s cooking? I’m there.

 LUKE: What’s for dinner?

 GABRIEL: I’m there. No idea what it is, but it looked good this morning.

 VICTOR: It did look good. I’ll be there.

         I responded.

 SANG: chili

 NORTH: Do I even have to ask? I’ll be there.

         I smiled.

 SANG: Salad fixings are in the fridge. Fruit salad for dessert.

 NORTH: That’s my Sang Baby .

 SEAN: Beans or no beans? This is important.

         I rolled my eyes.

 SANG: 3 slow cookers. 1 beans, 1 no beans, 1 mixed beans and chunky vegs.

 LUKE: I’ve been telling you guys… she’s smart, cute, and can cook. We’re keeping her. End of discussion.

 SEAN: I’ll be there after rounds. Might be a little late.

         The bell rang, and we gathered our bags and headed for homeroom. As I sat in my seat, I realized something.

         I’d been invited to a family meeting.

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