Untitled Part 25

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Sang’s POV

         After a few line dances, including the Cotton Eyed Joe, I needed to sit down. We stumbled back to the table, and Kota handed me a bottle of water as I sat down. I hadn’t even realized I was thirsty, but I drank most of the bottle before I set it down. I looked around, noticing how crowded it was getting. I was surprised at how many kids knew how to 2-Step, and I felt bad because I didn’t really believe Kota when he said they learned how to dance in school.

         I glanced at Kota. “See anything interesting while we were dancing?”

         He rolled his eyes and gave me a “really?” kind of look. “Just a bunch of teenagers unsure about this new club and trying to have a good time. And one cutey out there attracting attention.” He poked the tip of my nose with his index finger. “We’re here to have fun. If we see anything interesting, then we’ll mention it. I doubt there will be any problems tonight.”

         “Kota!” Luke gave him a glare. “Thanks for ruining it for us!”

         “What? Nothing’s going to happen.”

         Victor cleared his throat. We all looked at him. “You were saying?” He looked over my shoulder. I heard Gabe and Luke groan.

         I felt someone touch my arm. I turned and had to look up to see who it was. Red hair and freckles. Mike.

         “Hey, Sang. Will you dance with me?” He looked so nervous that it was almost cute. I quickly glanced around the table. Kota shrugged. Gabe rolled his eyes. Luke smirked. Victor gave me a small smile and a nod.


         We walked out to the dance floor, and he started the 2-Step, keeping what Sean told me was a polite distance between us. The song was medium tempo, and I was a little surprised at how well he danced. But, this was so different than dancing with the guys. Mike was a nice guy, and I guessed he was a friend. There was no confusing fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach, no daydreaming about what he was thinking or how he felt about me. It just wasn’t the same.


         I looked up at Mike and smiled. “Yes?”

         “Are you and Silas still dating?”

         I guessed that “It’s complicated” wouldn’t work. I nodded. “We are.”

         “Why isn’t he here?”

         I sighed. “Football. The guys are keeping me company.”

         He nodded and maneuvered us around a few people as we danced.  “Well, if you ever want to hang out…”

         I nodded, not sure what to say. “um… ok.” Was he asking me out? Nah… he was just being a friend… right?

         The song ended, and I saw Victor tap Mike on the shoulder. Mike turned, saw who it was, and nodded. He squeezed my hand before he let go. “Thanks for the dance, Sang.”

         “Thanks, Mike!” I said as he started to walk away.

         Victor took my hand, we started moving around the floor.

         I looked into his eyes, the fire in them set to blaze. Wow. I grinned. “I thought we were dancing the slower dances.”

         He grinned. “I wanted to dance with my Princess. And see if Mike was a gentleman.”

         I laughed. “Always.”

         “Good.” He glanced around. “Time to get fancy?” My eyes bugged out, but I nodded. He turned me out and then back in through the sequence that Luke had taught me. Did they all know more than the basic steps?

         I was hyper-conscious of everything. The feel of my hand in his. His other hand as it moved from my back to my waist and back as we moved in time with the music. His fingertips barely touching my back and stomach and I spun. Our hips brushing as we danced side by side. Once we finished the sequence, he pulled me a little closer than before, but we were moving so fast that I doubted anyone noticed. We were close enough that my waist was up against him, and our thighs moved in time, rubbing occasionally. That feeling, deep in my stomach, was erupting like a volcano. It was almost too much.

         The song faded quickly at the last note. Victor took a step back and bowed slightly. I smiled. I had no idea if he had been affected by our dance as I had been. All I know is that was… wow.

Mike's song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsRMlR0CUt8

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