Part 21

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Sang’s POV

         The next day started normally. Well, normally for us. Kota drove Nathan and me to school, and he asked me about the shopping trip and my dance lessons. He teased me about being one of the only guys that hasn’t danced with me yet. Once we got to school, we hung out in the courtyard until the homeroom bell rang. I didn’t get called into the office, so that was a nice little change.

         After English, Gabe walked me to Geometry, and we waited for Nathan and North to meet us. Once Nathan arrived, Gabe ran off to his next class, and we walked into class. By the time the bell rang for the start of class, North hadn’t arrived. I tapped Nathan on the shoulder, and he grabbed his phone. After a moment, he turned his head and whispered, “No problems. He’s fine.”

         I knew that he said there was no problem, but I also knew that “no problem” around our school could change to “really big problem” in the time it takes to blink. I guess I was fidgeting or something because Nathan reached back and put his hand on my knee.

         “He’s fine,” he whispered.

         I tried to focus on the teacher, but after explaining the assignment, she handed out worksheets and sat behind her desk, reading a book.  It took about 5 minutes to finish the worksheet. Now what?

         Finally the bell rang, and Nathan and I made our way to Music Room B. He opened the door and motioned for me to go in. I walked through the door and saw North, Mr. Blackbourne and Sean standing around the piano, talking. I turned around to look at Nathan.

         “Told you he was fine,” Nathan commented. “See you at lunch, Peanut.” He let the door close behind him as he walked off to his next class.

         “Hey, Pookie!” I walked up to Sean, and he gave me a hug. “Let me see the boots.”

         I pulled my jeans leg up so that he could see the inlay on the boots. “I like them. Well, I need to run. See you later.” And with that he was gone before I could even respond.

         “Miss Sorenson.”

         “Mr. Blackbourne.” I turned to North. “You weren’t in class.”

         He looked at Mr. Blackbourne, and then back to me.  “We had a few things to go over.”

         “Oh?” I looked to Mr. Blackbourne. “Is there a problem?”

         “Probably not, Miss Sorenson. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Morgan had some concerns about your trip to Wild West on Friday, so he and I discussed them. I trust he didn’t miss anything more pressing than a worksheet in Geometry?”

         I shook my head and bit my lip. I knew that they would do everything in their power to keep me safe, but if North AND Victor had concerns. “Can you tell me about the concerns?”

         Mr. Blackbourne and North shared a look, and Mr. Blackbourne nodded. North ran a hand through his hair and looked at me. “It’s probably nothing , Baby. Victor’s just being overly cautious.” I raised my eyebrow at him. “Fine, we’re worried about appearances. And you know I always worry about your safety.”

         “What do you mean? I mean about appearances.”

         “You’re ‘dating’ Silas, right?” I nodded. “Well, he and I more than likely won’t be there.”

         “You won’t?” That’s the first I had heard about that.

         He shook his head. “We have some football thing. I’m not even sure what we’re going. But we won’t be with you. That’s the part that worries me.”

         “What is Victor worried about?”

         “Since Silas won’t be there, the guys’ instinct will be to take turns dancing with you.”

         I was so confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

         “Because of everything that happened with Nathan, we have to be careful. They need to make sure it looks like you're just friends, but we also want to try to shield you from some of the other guys that might be there.” He waited, hoping that I’d understand. No such luck. “We don’t want any jackasses making aggressive passes at you, Baby.”

         That was almost funny. “You honestly think guys are going to be hitting on me? With most of the team around me?”

         He rolled his eyes. “Baby, I would be shocked if you’re not asked to dance by fewer than 5 guys that aren’t us. Especially if Silas isn’t around.”

         “I doubt you have anything to worry about.” They were crazy.

         “We will have to agree to disagree on that, Miss Sorenson.”

         I turned my head to look at Mr. Blackbourne. “You think there might be a problem?”

         “Let’s say that I see their concerns. Our plan is that a member of our team will dance with you during the slower songs and, if by chance someone not from the family asks you to dance, you’ll dance with him during the faster songs. Hopefully, that will take care of any potential... suitors.”

         I nodded, not because I agreed with their concerns, but because I understood that they just wanted to protect me. North sat on the piano bench and pulled me onto his lap.

         “By the way, Miss Sorenson, how was your shopping trip yesterday?”

         I sighed, leaning into North. “I’m tired just thinking about it. Victor bought me too much. Again.”

         “Miss Sorenson…”

         I held up my hand. “I know. But I don’t think I need 3 pairs of boots for this Friday night. I only have room on my feet for one.”  I felt North chuckle.

         Mr. Blackbourne’s lip raised in one of his millimeter smiles. “Well, I’m sure Mr. Coleman knows what he’s doing.”

         I shook my head. “He didn’t do it. Victor grabbed everything off the “maybe” pile and bought it all.”

         He nodded. “Well, I’m sure it was fine.”

         The bell rang for our next class. North and I collected our stuff and headed towards the door.

         “Mr. Taylor?” North turned around. “That other matter we discussed? I’ll look into it.” North nodded, and we headed into the hallway.

         I looked up at him, trying to question him with my eyes. He shook his head. “Academy stuff, Baby. Nothing for you to worry about.”

         We walked into our History class, and Victor was already waiting for us. I don’t think they realized that I saw it, but they did that silent communication thing, and North nodded once, and Victor responded in kind. Whatever Academy stuff North talked to Mr. Blackbourne about, Victor was part of it.

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