Untitled Part 27

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Sang’s POV

          Turning around and seeing North almost scared me to death. Not that I was afraid of North. Never. I could tell that I had upset him, and I didn’t want to upset any of them. And then he yelled, and yes, I got a little mad. But then he apologized. I knew they didn’t trust Rocky, and I understood why, but I needed to give Rocky a chance. I didn’t know if I even wanted to be friends with him, but he made a mistake. That was it. A mistake.

          North pulled me into his arms, and we started dancing. I knew he wasn’t going to try to spin me out or anything, so I could relax and enjoy the moment. I started listening to the lyrics, and I had to laugh. I could never imagine calling him “Baby.” That was just plain silly. I saw him smile at the lyrics – “driving me a good kind of crazy.” I wondered if he was thinking the same thing I was -it reminded me of that night in the hotel on the beach. He had said that he wanted to kiss me, even when he was mad at me. (OK, that’s not exactly what he said. I’m not saying that!) Just thinking about that made me warm inside, and dancing with him only made it warmer.

          As the song ended, North gave me a quick hug, and we walked back toward the table. As we got close, I noticed an extra person at the table. A rather large person with dark hair. I ran up behind him and threw my arms around his neck from behind.


          He reached around and picked me up, plopping me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close.

          "Aggele mou.” He loosed his hold on me just a little, and leaned back into him. “Are you having a good time tonight?” he asked into my hair.

          I nodded. “It’s been fun.”

          “How many guys asked you to dance, Baby? Guys that aren’t…” North gestured around the table, “us?”

          “A few.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

          North turned to Kota. “How many?”

          Kota thought for a moment. “At least six. That I saw.”

          North looked at over at me. And stuck out his tongue. The guys stared at him for a moment, and then we all started laughing.

          We sat around the table for a while, people watching and chatting. I kept looking up at Silas, making sure he was ok. I knew that he didn’t like clubs, but I really had no idea why. Was it crowds? The music? The noise? I guessed that I finally annoyed him enough doing that because he leaned down to nuzzle my ear.

          “I’m fine. Do not worry about me.”

          I smiled. When he pulled back, I looked into his eyes. “Can’t help it.”

          He grinned and pulled me back against him.

          Gabe pulled out his phone, checked something, and then put it back. He stood up. “It’s just about closing time. Come on, Trouble.” He held out his hand to me.

          I looked around the table and then at him. “I thought you were the grumpy friend that was dragged along against his will.”

          He grabbed my hand and pulled me off of Silas’ lap. “I will definitely be the grumpy shit friend if you don’t get your ass out there on the dance floor.”

          I turned and looked at everyone and shrugged. I looked back at Gabe just in time to see him nod to Luke. What was that all about? (Gabe's song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igjgE8p_oIc )

          As soon as we hit the hard wood floor, Gabe spun me around and into his arms, his feet already in motion. I looked up at him, and he was smiling at me. The stage lights from around the floor reflected off of the clear crystal studs he wore. His hair fell in front of his face as he looked at me, so he shook it back and grinned even more.

          He tugged me a little closer, and all those feelings started again. The same ones I felt each time Luke danced with me. And North. And Kota. And especially when Victor held me close as we danced. It was strange and scary and exciting and wonderful. But so confusing.

          I tried to distract myself. I listened to the song. I recognized it – a quick, catchy tune. I would be the first to admit that I know nothing about love, but the singer seemed to have some good advice for what love should look like.

          If you’re gonna hold me, hold me like I’m leaving

        If you’re gonna kiss me, kiss me like you need it

 Baby, if you’re not, you best get to leaving

 If you’re gonna love me, love me like you mean it

 If you’re gonna talk the talk, you better walk it,

 If you’re gonna keep me, keep me like you lost it

 If you’re gonna say it, make me believe it

 If you’re gonna love me, Boy, love me like you mean it

         I looked back at Gabe. My Meanie. He was smiling at me, but his eyes It was as if he was trying to will me to understand something. Something profound. Something I couldn’t quite grasp. I kept looking into his eyes, hoping that I’d figure it out.

          When that song ended, the DJ announced last dance, and that the song was a special request. I saw Gabe smile, and I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. As I started to turn, I heard a voice.

          “Dance with me, Aggele?”

          I tried to hide my shock. I nodded, and Silas took my hand. I felt so tiny with his hand on my back as we started dancing. I looked up at him, and I’m sure there was a question in my eyes. He simply smiled and pulled me a little closer. It was only then that I realized that he was letting the song speak for him.

          Love’s never come my way,
I’ve never been this far
Cause you took these two left feet
And waltzed away with my heart

No, I don’t dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain’t my style, but I don’t care
I’d do anything with you anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl
Cause, I don’t dance

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