Part 3

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North’s POV

        “Hey, guys, we’re… what smells so good?” Luke yelled as he barreled passed me through the front door of Nathan’s house and into the kitchen. Idiot.

         Silas and I walked into the living room. Nathan and Gabe were playing Soul Caliber. Victor and Kota were on the couch, watching them play and messing with their phones. Mr. Blackbourne and Doc were nowhere to be seen.

         “Hey, Gabe, isn’t that the game that Aggele Mou beat you at a few weeks ago?” Silas snickered as he sat on the arm of the couch.

         Gabe reached behind him and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at Silas. “Beginners luck. All that was.”

         I rolled my eyes. “You keep telling yourself that, Gabe. Let me know how it works out for you.” I commented.

         “And… Gabe loses again. Maybe you should try a different character. The scantily clad chick isn’t working for you.” Nathan handed his controller to Victor for his turn.

         “She’s awesome. I just haven’t figured her out yet.” Gabe tossed his controller to Kota.

         Victor laughed. “Let me know when you figure out ANY female, Gabe.” Gabe flipped him off, and we all laughed. Gabe and Nate continued their argument about characters in the game as I walked toward the kitchen.

         As I got close to the kitchen, I heard Luke and Sang talking.

         “You didn’t do what I think you just did. Did you?” Luke asked.

         “Shh. Don’t let North hear you!” Sang giggled as I rounded the corner. I took in the scene. Sang stirred one of the slow cookers. Luke stood behind her with one hand on her hip, the other reaching around to grab the spoon she was holding. Neither one had seen me yet, so I leaned against the door jamb and crossed my arms.

         “Don’t let North hear what, Baby?”

         Both heads whipped around, and their faces identical expressions. Yup... two kids caught with their hands in a cookie jar. Sang dropped the spoon into the slow cooker.

         “Not a thing, North. No idea what you’re talking about.” Luke responded quickly. Too quickly. He moved away from Sang, grabbing something off the counter and putting it in a drawer. He really didn’t think I was that stupid, did he?

         I moved in front of Sang, wrapping her in a hug. “Missed you, Baby.”

         She wrapped her arms around me. “I missed you, too.”

         I pulled back and looked down at her. “So, Sang… what did you do?”

         She shook her head, clamping her mouth shut. She knew better than say anything. She can’t lie for shit.

         “Come on. What did you do?” She shook her head again. I nudged her away from the slow cooker, picking up a spoon. I stirred the concoction, trying to figure out what she could have done. I turned to look at Luke, who was doing his best to not laugh. He was failing miserably. I moved over to him and tried to move him away from the drawer. Little shit wouldn't budge.

         “Luke, what did she do?” I gave him The Eye.

         “Nothing… much. Doesn’t dinner smell amazing? Sweetie, are you done getting everything ready?” He looked at Sang. Her eyes got huge, and she shook her head vigorously. “OK, so, North, you’re in the way. Go away and leave her alone.”

         “I can help, too.” What is he talking about? I always help her cook. What did she do?

         “No. I’m helping her. Go. Away.”

         I huffed and put down the spoon. “Fine. How much longer?” I looked at Sang.

         “15 minutes? Sean and Mr. Blackbourne should be here by then.”

         Oh, THAT she could say.  And wait... “Sean”? Well, that was different. I nodded and walked out. I went back to the living room, and Luke poked his head around the corner to make sure I was gone. Silas saw him and questioned me with a look. I jerked my head toward the kitchen and held a finger to my lips. I strained to listen. I heard both of them start laughing, and then I heard Sang’s voice.

         “Give that bag back. I’m not done with them yet.”

         I motioned for Silas to move toward the kitchen with me. We looked around the corner in time to see Sang sprinkle a small handful of something into one of the other slow cookers. I looked at Silas, and his confused expression probably mirrored mine. We walked into the kitchen.

         “Baby, please tell me you didn’t just put chocolate chips in my chili.”

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