Part 7

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Owen’s POV

         We moved into the living room, and Sean plugged his iPod into the speakers. Gabriel and Luke sat on the couch, and Luke began messing around on his laptop. As long as they stayed out of the way and didn’t goof off, this should go well. I looked over to Sean, and he nodded that he was ready whenever I was. Here goes nothing.

         “Miss Sorenson, if you’d join me?” She hesitantly walked over and joined me, trying to not bite her lip. Nice to know I wasn’t the only one nervous about this. At least she hadn’t had time to think about this. All. Day. Long.

         I looked down into those beautiful eyes as she stopped in front of me. “We’ll start with the simpler of dances. Yyou’re familiar with the waltz, correct?”

         She looked confused for a moment. “The music style or the dance?”

         “The music style. What can you tell me about it?”

         “3/4 time. Style is about 250 years old, give or take. Can be played by a wide variety of instruments and tempos.”

         I nodded. She knew her classical music. “The country waltz is also 3/4 time and can vary in tempo. The steps are quite simple, but can be made far more intricate if desired. We’ll start with the basic step.” I stepped alongside Sang. “I’ll show you what you will be doing first. I will be doing the opposite, of course, when we begin dancing.” She nodded and then looked down at her feet. I moved back in front of her and touched her chin with my finger. “Sang.” She looked back up at me, almost fearful. “This isn’t rocket science. You will do just fine. And it’s ok if it’s not perfect the first time. Trust me. It never is.” She tried to smile, at least. “Ready?” She nodded. I moved back to her side. “You’ll start by taking a step back with your right foot.” I moved my right foot back, and she copied me. “Good. Now take your left foot and sweep it back and out to the left.” She watched me, and then copied. I nodded. “Now, bring your right foot over to meet your left.” I paused while she did that. “Now step forward with your left, sweep your right foot up and over, and then bring your left over to meet your right.” She mimicked my movements perfectly.

         “That’s it?” She sounded confused.

         “I told you it was simple. Shall we try again?” I held my hand out to her. She took it, and I could feel her hand tremble for just a moment. I gently squeezed it. “4, 5, 6” We repeated the sequence several more times until she seemed more confident. “Are you ready to try it for real?”

         “What do you mean?”

         “I mean in the proper position and not just copying my steps. I will be facing you, remember?”

         “Oh, right. What do I do?”

         I stood in front of her. “Place your left arm on my shoulder.” She did. I held out my left hand. “Now hold my hand.” She looked up at me and grinned, placing her hand in mine. It fit perfectly. I held us apart in the proper closed position. Arms straight, back straight. “Now you’ll do the exact same steps you’ve been doing. Ready?” She nodded. I counted off, “4,5,6” She stepped back, and I moved with her. She mis-stepped and bumped into me.

         “I am so sorry.” She looked down at the floor again.

         “Miss Sorenson…” I waited until she looked at me. “It’s ok. I told you it wouldn’t be perfect at first. And don’t look at your feet- look at me. Again?” 

         She smiled. “Again.”

         After another false start or two, she found her rhythm, and we began to dance. After a while, I warned her that we would begin moving around the floor. She adapted quickly, and she became perfection in my arms. Amazing.

         I stopped for a moment. “Are you ready to add music?” She nodded, and I looked over at Sean. I had honestly forgotten that he and the others were even there. The first notes of The Tennessee Waltz began, and I counted softly for her, “4, 5, 6”. And we danced. I looked into those eyes, wondered at the beauty before me, and we simply danced. It was one of the most exquisite moments in my life.

         “Stop. Please. Just stop.”

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