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Nighttime, Jungwon's come to realize, is the worst possible time.  

With nothing to help guide him through the darkness but the occasional moonlight shining through the passing clouds, it's a little hard to get around and try not to die at the same time.

He pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose a little higher and pulls the straps of his backpack tighter. It was currently the middle of summer and hot as hell, but fear had him shivering and he had to bite down on his tongue to keep his teeth from chattering. Every little sound made him jump and left his heart pounding much too loudly in his ears until it was the only thing he could hear.

It was starting to get hard to find a safe space to sleep at night. He'd been lucky so far and hadn't had any major run-ins with zombies, largely due to the fact that he was following Jake and Sunoos' advice.

He ends up huddled up underneath the desk of an abandoned office an hour later with his back pressed tightly against the hardwood and his head pillowed on his backpack.

He's not exactly sure what state he's in right now (he's never really been good with reading a map or following directions, that had mostly been Sunoo's job on this journey), and he's not sure how long he's been walking for either, but he thinks he's in Arkansas— which, by the way, who the hell decides to spell a place like that and then have it be pronounced like that?— so hopefully it won't be that much longer until he reaches Alberta.

He sighs and takes off his glasses to rub at his face and then closes his eyes, trying his best to fall asleep and to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest.

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