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They're in the backseat of the car making out while music plays from the small radio. Jungwon's rocking down onto Jay's lap a little desperately.

Maeumi was currently sleeping in the driver's seat. Jungwon had placed him there, jokingly saying that he didn't want her to watch them, but also being 100% serious about it. Jay just laughed and brought him in close to kiss him.

"Hey, slow down," Jay laughs lowly against his lips and it sends heat straight to Jungwon's gut, making him grind down harder. Jay holds his hips steady, slowing him down and Jungwon groans. He goes in to suck at Jay's neck instead, living for the noises he makes under him.

"Jay, please," Jungwon whines and tries to rock down, trying to find more of that pressure he really needs right now.

"I got you, calm down," Jay murmurs lowly and then grips his waist tighter, his hands finding purchase on the skin under Jungwon's tshirt.

"Your hands are cold," Jungwon hisses but he continues to grind down onto the boy under him, Jay meeting him halfway now.

Jay stills his movements and gives him an unimpressed look.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll stop now," he says mockingly. He goes to take his hand away but Jungwon moves his hands from the others shoulders to to grip his wrist tightly.

"Don't you dare, asshole."

Jay throws his head back to laugh and Jungwon goes in to suck at the exposed skin. Jay hums pleasantly and brings his hand back to wrap around Jungwon's small waist, pulling him impossibly closer. Jungwon drops his head down onto Jay's shoulder, panting softly as they hump each other. Their dicks rubbing together under the pants they're wearing.

God, he feels so close already. Just a little more pressure and—

"Oh, shit," Jay says suddenly. "I love this song," he shifts a little around Jungwon, loosening his grip to be able to reach for the small radio and turning it up louder.

"Jay," Jungwon lets out an embarrassing whine and grinds even further into Jay, trying to find that friction again.

"If I could turn the page in time, then I'd rearrange a day or two..." the person on the radio sings and Jay mouths the words dramatically at him.

Jungwon rocks his hips down and whines again. Jay smirks and keeps mouthing the words to the song up at him, dancing a little bit. Jungwon's about to tell him off but then finally, finally, Jay tightens his grip and begins to rut up against Jungwon's tiny frame in earnest. Jungwon moans and rolls his hips against him.

"But I couldn't find a way, so I'll settle for one day to believe in you..." Jay sings along gravelly and his voice sends a rush of heat down him, twisting in his gut in the best way.

"Don't know it," Jungwon gasps out. Jay's movements don't stop, but he does shoot Jungwon a surprised look.

"how do you not know Fleetwood Mac?" Jay shakes his head. "Stevie Nicks?" Jungwon shakes his head again. "Oh, my god," Jay shakes his head. His movements speeds up, rocking over Jungwon, but he starts going off on a tangent on how he can't believe Jungwon doesn't know one of the best songs ever written. Jay's movements on him speed up, slow down, and sometimes even stop as he continues his mini rant.

"Oh my god, please stop talking," Jungwon pleads but then shakes his head. "Actually, ignore that. Keep talking, your voice is so hot. Just, god, please, don't stop what you're doing with me, asshole."

He feels more than actually hears Jay laugh against him and Jungwon leans in closer. It's a nice feeling.

"Yeah?" Jay murmurs deeply and Jungwon nods, bringing his face to Jay's neck, giving it an open-mouthed kiss and relishing in the moan it brings out from Jay, feeling the vibration of it.

"C'mon then," Jay says. He quickens his hips, leaning over to murmur nonsense into Jungwons ear, grazing his teeth over the shell of his ear. Jungwon feels the vibration of his voice against his own body and he bites his tongue, thrusting into Jay even harder than humanely possible.

"Wanna see how bad you want it," Jay nips at his ear again before slipping one of his free hands up to Jungwon's mouth. He presses two fingers against Jungwon's bottom lip and Jungwon automatically opens his mouth to take them.

"Get them nice and wet," Jay says, his voice is so husky, so low and hot, Jungwon moans around his fingers, licking and sucking on them.

"Look at you," Jay murmurs appreciatively and then pulls his fingers out. A long line of spit stays connected from Jungwon's lips to Jay's fingers as he pulls them away and they both moan at it.

Jay takes those fingers down inside the back of Jungwon's sweats. He hisses at the cold again but then Jay is pushing a wet finger down to circle around him, pushing in a little and—

Jungwon comes apart immediately at that, moaning out Jay's name over and over, thrusting back to meet his finger and also trying to thrust forward into his other hand that had snuck itself into the front of his pants. Jay grabs his length stroking him as he fingers the younger open, murmuring encouragements and then softly singing along to the song still playing on the radio.

"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..."

Jungwon slumps forward, burying his face in Jay's neck, absolutely content and a little sleepy. He could actually fall asleep like this, but then Jay shifts after the song ends and Jungwon remembers that Jay needs to get off too. He lazily slides down to the floor of the backseat in-between Jay's legs.

"Yeah, there you go," Jay mumbles as Jungwon opens his jeans, tugging them down a little to be able to pull him out. Jay hisses at the cold and Jungwon looks up at him, smirking with an I told you it was cold, face before bringing his mouth around him and getting to work.

Jay moans lowly, fingers reaching out to tangle in Jungwon's soft hair and pulling gently. Jungwon groans at the feeling.

He's not too hung up on technique like other times that they've done this. Jungwon knows Jay's already pretty close anyway, so he just lazily bobs his head up and down. His hand wraps around what he can't take into his mouth and he starts pumping slowly.

Jay is panting above him, already sounding absolutely wrecked, so Jungwon just takes his time with it, enjoying the feeling of Jay stretching his mouth.

"Yeah, Wonie, just like that... s'fucking good..." Jay breathes out. His fingers tug a little harder at his hair in warning, but Jungwon keeps his mouth on him. Jay lets out a strangled little Wonie... one last time before spilling into his mouth. Jungwon swallows it all. Jay moans again and gives Jungwon's hair another soft tug.

Jungwon lets his head rest against Jays naked hip as they try to get their breathing back to normal.

"S'good," Jay murmurs after a couple of minutes. He zips himself back up and pulls Jungwon up for a kiss, licking into his mouth hungrily.

Jungwon groans and then pulls away reluctantly, exhaustion suddenly making his eyelids feel like they weigh a thousand pounds. He rolls over, pressed tightly into Jay's side and lays his head down on his shoulder.

"'m gonna need new pants," Jungwon mutters and Jay starts giggling and kisses at the side of his head, pulling him in closer and promising to find a store with clothes soon. Jungwon nods sleepily and slides down to rest his head on Jay's chest.

He falls asleep to the easy rhythm of his heart. Steady, strong, and alive.

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