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They've only been walking for about an hour when Tampa finally finds the station playing music— still 99.1.

"Holy shit," Tampa murmurs a little disbelievingly as the music begins to fill the air. Jungwon smiles widely and claps his hands on his shoulders, lingering on for a little longer than he should, and leaning forward to take a look. "How the hell are they still doing this?"

"Who cares!" Jungwon takes the radio from his hands and turns the volume up louder. "Let's just enjoy these vibes gifted to us."

Tampa snorts and shakes his head in amusement, but he starts to move his shoulders to dance along with Jungwon as they keep making their way down the empty street. On to the next town, the next city, the next state.

Jungwon's not exactly sure where they're at at this point, but he trusts Tampa and doesn't think he'll be able to stop following him at this point, even after they make it to Canada.

Tampa starts to jokingly do this body roll/hip-thrusting thing along to the music, really getting into it and Jungwon ends up tripping over his feet, too distracted to watch where he's going. He falls on top of the radio, instantly crushing it.

"Owww," he whines. And then, "Noooooo," when he picks up the remains of the broken radio.

Tampa's laughing so hard he actually falls down next to him, leaning into his side and giggling so hard tears are coming out. Jungwon's pouting, he knows he is and Tampa playfully grabs at his cheek with a hand, scrunching up his face even more and then giving his cheek a little pat before pulling away to reach behind Jungwon. "cute" he mutters before he opens his backpack and pulls out two more small portable radios.

"You're so lucky I thought ahead and brought more than one radio with us."

Jungwon's heart does a stupid little flip at that. He should probably feel a little embarrassed that he's that predictable, but he can't stop smiling when Tampa starts to assemble the new radio.

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