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Jay trades Jungwon his gun for his backpack as they walk. Before Jungwon can ask why, Jay is zipping open the top and fixing a small blanket that they had found in a car, inside of the backpack so he can place Maeumi in there.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Jungwon breathes out.

"He's tired," Jay says simply and he zips up the backpack, leaving it open enough for Maeumi to poke her head out and be comfortable, but also closed enough so that he doesn't fall out.

Jay slings the backpack over his shoulder and it's a little funny seeing him with something other than a gun behind his back.

Jay has a water bottle in his hand and he takes a swig of it before pouring some into the water bottle cap and holding it behind for her to drink. Maeumi laps it up quickly and Jay keeps doing it until Maeumi doesn't drink anymore.

"You good, there boy?" Jay asks him.

"God, he's already got you so whipped," Jungwon laughs.

"Yeah, he sorta does," Jay's beaming at him when he says it though , and Jungwon feels a funny rush of adoration go through him. He reaches over to kiss Jay, but Maeumi lets out a small, almost territorial sounding bark and Jungwon jumps away instantly.


Jay's laughing too hard to hear him, though.

"Maeumi, I thought we were friends!" The tiny dog lets out another little indignant bark. Jungwon's sure that was dog speak for fuck off.

Jay's still laughing, wiping at his eyes as he reaches into his hoodie to pull out a Slim Jim. They've been Maeumi's favorite treat since they started bringing her along.

"He's just hungry," Jay explains and he breaks off a piece to give to her. The small dog takes it quickly. "Yeah, there you go boy" he coos a little and gives Maeumi another piece.

"Unbelievable," Jungwon mutters. Jay just smiles and pulls Jungwon in for a kiss.

Maeumi doesn't bark this time.


so apparently i'm a fake fan..... maeumi is a boy!! when i wrote this i thought maeumi was a girl, so you will see a lot of references to maeumi being a girl dog and i apologize for that. i'm don't want to edit the book again because maeumi is mentioned quite frequently and i will probably be deleting my account soon.... so!! 

and i'm so sorryyy! i should've did my research first 😭

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