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"This is kinda ironic isn't it?" Jungwon asks. They found an old mattress store to spend the night in North Dakota. Jay says that they should finally be making it to Canada by tomorrow afternoon.

Well, to Saskatchewan, so they still have a while to go before they make it to Alberta, but they're close and Jungwon can't really believe it.

Maeumi's curled up somewhere along the floor, bundled up in a million blankets.

"What is?" Jay asks sleepily, finger lazily trailing up and down Jungwon's arm.

"Us," Jungwon says and Jay's finger stops in its pattern and Jungwon quickly tries to explain himself. "Not, like, us together— well okay, yeah that's part of it, but no, not in that way," Jungwon rushes again to explain when Jay shoots him a confused look. "Well, maybe in that way too-"

"Won, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Jungwon huffs out a breath, frustrated with himself.

"I just mean, like, it's funny that this is basically the end of the world and we could've helped... repopulate? I guess? But here we are together so there goes any plan of that so..." Jungwon trails off as Jay just keeps staring in confusion.

"Your first thought after we've had sex is 'Dang, too bad we can't save the world because I like it up the ass?'" Jay asks slowly after a beat of silence.

Jungwon feels his face get hot and he looks up and shrugs. "I mean, I wouldn't say it like that, but-"

Jay bursts out laughing and Jungwon can't help but start laughing too.

Jay speaks up after calming down a little, nudging Jungwon in the side jokingly.

"I mean, if you really wanna save the world and you're into watching each other bang other people-"

"God, you're the worst," Jungwon stops him and Jay starts laughing again, pulling him close and kissing him warmly.


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