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They find a tiny dog roaming around the streets digging through the trash for scraps in Minnesota.

"Awe," Jay mutters and starts to make his way over carefully. Jungwon doesn't think it's a good idea, but he follows anyway because of course, he does.

The dog's ears perk up and his little head lifts up at the sound of their footsteps as they get closer. It starts to back up nervously and Jay slows down, making his way over even carefully.

"Hey, buddy," Jay calls out softly. He sets his rifle down on the ground and holds a hand out, palm up, as he keeps walking forward. The dog backs up even more, eyes darting between Jay coming towards him and Jungwon standing a couple of feet back. Jay digs into his pocket and pulls out a piece of a half-eaten Slim Jim he'd been saving. "You hungry?"

The dog perks up a little at the food, but still stays in place, wary of whether to trust Jay or not. Jay keeps the piece of Slim Jim in the palm of his hand and lowers himself to his knees, offering up the food and waiting. The dog cautiously moves forward, sniffing a little and Jay smiles and beckons him forward, promising to not hurt him as if the dog could actually understand.

Eventually, the dog's hunger beats out his fear and he pads on forward to take the little piece of meat from Jay's hand, chowing it down quickly and looking back at Jay expectantly. Jay chuckles and pulls out another little piece, setting it on his palm again for the dog to take.

This time, Jay reaches a hand out to pat the dog's head as he eats. The dog flinches away at first but then relaxes into the touch, tail starting to wag behind him. Jay hands him another piece of food.

"How you doin', bud?" Jay asks warmly as he scratches behind the little dog's ears. "You were hungry, huh? It's alright, I got more for you so eat up."

Jay has the little dog in his lap by the time the Slim Jim is all gone. He strokes through his white fur softly. Jungwon finally sits down next to him and tentatively reaches out to pet the little dog, letting out a small breath when the dog lets him.

"His collar says Maeumi," Jay murmurs as he continues to pet the tiny animal in his lap. He has a small, pleased smile on his face and Jungwon knows that there's no way the dog isn't going to be joining them for the rest of this journey.

"Maeumi," Jungwon repeats and the dog turns his attention towards him at the sound of his name. "Okay," Jungwon nods and leans against Jay as he ruffles Maeumi's ears. "We'll take care of you, Maeumi."

"Yeah?"Jay turns to look at him, eyes crinkling around the corners as a huge smile splits his face.

Jungwon looks down at the tiny dog resting in Jay's lap. It yawns widely, and then rests his head on top of his knee, falling asleep instantly and, yeah, there's no way this little animal isn't coming with them.

"Yeah," Jungwon looks up at Jay and smiles back, instantly feeling that usual warmth spread through him.

Jay is looking at him so fondly, eyes so soft and warm, and shining so brightly in the sunlight... He doesn't even give it a second thought when he brings his hands up to cup Jay's face gently, leaning in to kiss him. His lips are soft against his and Jungwob presses forward even more.

Jay makes a pleased sound in the back of his throat and leans into it, hand reaching up to grip at the front of Jungwon's shirt, pulling him in closer. Jungwon feels like he's on fire, burning in the best way imaginable.

They break apart a little while later, breathing coming out in short breaths as they rest their foreheads together. Jay's grinning at him like stupid and Jungwon knows his expression is mirroring his. Jungwon leans forward and presses another kiss against Jay's lips because he can. Because he just did, and Jay had let him; keeps letting him.

"Yeah?" Jay breathes out. Jungwon nods, breathing out his own little yeah, and Jay pulls back to search his face. He must find what he was looking for because he smiles again, a little shyly, and nods. He brings Jungwon in for another kiss, slower this time. Jungwon just lets himself fall right into it, trusting Jay. Always trusting Jay.

"Okay," Jungwon gasps when they break apart again. "Yeah, definitely I'd-Die-For-These-Sour-Cream-Onion-Chips worthy."

Jay throws his head back to laugh, a god, you're so dumb, bubbling out of his mouth and Jungwon presses a gentle kiss to the column of his throat.

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