Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

As soon as I heard my hospital room door open and I heard someone walked into the room I got scared but I stayed calm at the same time and I sat up on my bed slowly and then I said hello who's there and then I saw a man walk in threw the curtains and he smiled at me and then I looked at his body.

Then when I got to his eyes I saw he had bright red ones and that freaked me out because I jumped on the bed and I almost screamed until the man said hello don't worry I'm not going to hurt you now my name is Andy what's yours and I said I'm Isabella but my family and friends call me Bella.

So then Andy said well Bella it's nice to meet you why are you in the hospital and I said I have cancer the doctors said I don't have much time left to live and Andy said as he sat down beside me oh my goodness I'm so sorry and I said it's fine I don't care anymore I'd rather die than put my dad throw any more pain.

Then Andy said well at least he has been with you threw it all and I said yeah I suppose so and the Andy said so what age are you Bella and I said I'm 15 years old why what age are you and Andy laughed and said well dear Bella I'm 30 years old and more and I smiled and said do you have a family and Andy said yeah I do I have a wife and 2 sons.

So I smiled and said oh yeah what age are they and Andy laughed and said oh well first my wife is 29 years old and more and my son Harrison is 17 years old and more and my other son Finley is 18 years and more and I said wow sounds like a good family and Andy said yeah they are so do you have any family and I said no just my dad.

Then me and Andy started talking for hours and then out of no where I saw Andy's eyes turn black and I gasped and said Andy your eyes just turned black and Andy said yeah they go like that sometimes when I am hungry it's no big deal and I said oh right ok and then Andy looked at me with sadness and he said so Bella if you got the chance to life forever would you take it.

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