Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

Once I got downstairs I followed the smell into the kitchen and when I got into the kitchen I saw Andy and 2 boys who looked older than me standing at the table and then I saw 2 humans talking to them and once I smelt their blood I knew I had to have it so I stopped running and I stood still and I looked around and I walked to the door way.

Then I stood at the door way from the living room to the kitchen and I growled ready to jump at the humans and when Andy and the boys saw me they gasped and from the corner of my eye I saw the humans where scared but I didn't care anymore I just wanted to feed because I knew I had to or I would die from the thirst.

Then the boys ran over to the humans and stood in front of them protecting them and then Andy said looking at me Bella sweetie look at me but I didn't answer him all I did was growl and stare at the humans and the more I stared the more I could hear their heartbeat from inside their bodies which I could hear so perfectly and I knew it was because I was a vampire now.

So then after a minute of listening I ran at the human girls but both the boys stood in front of them and stopped me from getting at them and I got really angry and I shouted move and then I saw Andy walk over to me and he grabbed my arms and said Bella I know your scared and I know your human but these girls are friends of ours so I'm afraid you can't have them.

Then I heard Tilly from behind me and she said but you can have this and I turned around and saw she had a blood bag in her hand and I smiled and ran to the blood bag and grabbed it and I ripped it open and brought it to my mouth and I started drinking it and it was so delicious and I could taste the flavour from it.

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