Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

When we got into the school all I could smell was blood and the human heartbeats and so to keep myself calm I grabbed ahold of Harrison's arm and he looked at me and saw it was effecting me and so he said looking at me Bella sis I know you can loose control a lot but you must keep it together for the sake of us and our kind Bella.

Then I said yeah I know and I'm really trying but I can't because all I can smell is heartbeats and the blood pumping in their bodies and then finley said Bella just breath out and ignore the blood temptation people are starting to look at us Nicola turned and looked at me and said Bella remember what mom said breath out not in.

So then I said yeah I remember and then I start breathing out over and over and finally I managed to block the smells out and then I let go of Harrison and I relaxed myself and said I'm good and Finley said good now what class do you have first and so then I pulled out my timetable and I looked at it and I said history I have history first.

Then Miley said ok then you are with Finley and Nicola first class and I said ok good and then Harrison said ok everyone class time and everyone groaned including me and we all headed off to class Harrison and Miley went one way and me, Finley and Nicola went another way and then when we got to our classroom Finley opened the door and the 3 of us walked into the classroom.

So then as soon as we got into the classroom I saw the vampires from the parking lot and so I gasped and said Finley they are here and Finley said yeah I know just ignore them and I said ok I'll try and then Nicola said Bella go to the teacher and I said ok thanks guys and Finley said yeah ok and then they both went over to their seats and sat down and then I walked over to the teachers desk.

Then when I got to the desk I looked at the teacher and he said morning you must be Bella McKay and I said yes sir I am and then the teacher said ok then you may take a seat at the back of the class and I said ok thank you and I walked down the classroom past the other students, past my brother and sister and past the vampires and I walked to the desk at the back.

So then I sat down as the teacher started teaching and he started teaching us words, capital letters and full stops and he taught us this the whole way through the day because the rest of or classes where cancelled because the teachers had falling sick and when it reached the end of the class the room door knocked and the teacher said come in and then a boy walked it and as he did I got so hungry.

Then I growled and I stood up and started walking towards him because I wanted his blood so badly it was as if I was drawn to him and then when I past Finley he saw me and he stood up and grabbed me and said Bella come on don't do this and then I heard Nicola said Finley look at her eyes they are black and Finley said shit she shouldn't have come here today she has no control around humans and Nicola said yeah we know that but you know what Bella is like.

So then Finley said yeah I know and then he turned me to look at him and he said alright Bella listen to me I need you to walk out of this school breathing out and I need you to go hunt in the next town and then you will go home do you understand me and I nodded my head as I knew my eyes were getting darker and so the Finley let go of me and I said thank you bro.

Then Finley said your welcome I'll tell Harrison and Miley now go and I said ok and then I walked out of the classroom and I ran vampire speed out of the school and I ran vampire speed to Seattle and the whole way there I just kept getting hungrier and hungrier and I couldn't calm myself at all because all I knew was that I needed blood and I needed it now.

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