Chapter 12

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Bella's pov

Once I got into Seattle I ran around the whole town looking for good strong humans because when I feed from a healthy and strong human I only ever need to feed from the one and then finally after a while of looking I saw one I saw a man and he walked into an ally and so I growled and ran over to the allyway and through the boxes and the rubbish and I ran up to the man and as I ran up to him I saw he had a wedding band on his finger but I didn't care.

Then I said I'm so sorry about this I really don't want to do this but I need to feed and then I ran at the man and I bit into his neck and then I drank all of the delicious blood from his body and then he fell to the ground and I felt much better so I smiled and said thank goodness for humans eh and then I heard laughing coming from behind me and so I gasped and I kinda panicked incase I was caught by some humans that I didn't hear walk up to me and so then I turned around.

Once I turned around I saw the 5 vampires from the school and 2 others who could possible be the parents and I gasped and backed away from them not knowing what to do and I said what do you want and why are you here and the man said well we want to know why you and your family are in town and we are here to stop you from killing away more humans.

So then I said look believe you me I don't want to kill humans but everytime I go near them they cause me to get thristy and then I end you wanting their blood and I've tried animal blood before it doesn't hold me over long enough because I have little control over myself and the man said ok listen we aren't going to hurt you I'm Carlisle and this is my family my wife Esme, our sons Edward, Emmett and Jasper and our daughters Alice and Rosalie.

Then I said hi nice to meet you all I'm Bella and Rosalie said Bella what age where you when you were turned because you don't look more than 16 years old and I said well when I was 2 years old I was told by the doctors that I had cancer and so basically from that point on it was just wait and see but then when I was 15 years old I got worse and I was brought into hospital and I was told I didn't have more than 24 hours left.

So I was sad, angry and upset especially for my father I mean he had lost my mom and now he was loosing me to and so a man entered my room that night and told me that he was a vampire and that he could turn me to save me and so I accepted and so he turned me and 3 days later I woke up to him and his family and I have been living with them ever since.

Then Esme said oh you poor thing you have been through so much and I said yeah but I've coped and then Alice said Bella did you ever see your father again and I said no I didn't because the McKay's never let me go find him because of the way my control was around humans and by the time I was going to see him myself I had found out from the Mckay's he had died from cancer himself.

So then I saw alice go into a daze and the rest of the family soon went into the daze also and then a few seconds later they all snapped out of it and gasped and so I said what, what is it and Emmett said oh god that can't be and Alice said oh but it is I saw it and my visions are never wrong Emmett and I said for gods sake tell me what the hell you are all talking about.

Then Esme walked over to me and said Bella sweetie I am so sorry but the Mckay's have lied to you since they found you and I said getting angry what what do you mean and Alice said Bella I can see the past and the future and I have just saw the McKay's killing your father 95 years ago and I said dry sobbing no no your lying and Alice said no I'm not I can show you if you let me and then she held out her hand.

So I said still dry sobbing ok but if your lying you will be sorry and then I took Alice's hand and a few seconds later I saw the vision flash from Alice's head to mine and then I saw another vision of the future where the McKay's kill me and so then I gasped and screamed out in pain and pulled back from Alice's hand and I fell to the ground and I started crying even more even though I had no tears.

Then I saw Esme walk over to me and she bent down and touched my shoulders and she said Bella sweetie I am so sorry we know you trusted them and I said yeah but trust doesn't mean anything anymore I hate them so much and then I stood up and I screamed into the sky I fucking hate you all and then Carlisle said Bella you can come live with us we will keep them away from you we can move away from here to keep them from you.

So then I said really you would do that for me and Jasper said yes we would Bella and I said thank you so much and I ran over to Esme and I hugged her and said thank you I would love to stay with you all and Esme said hugging me back that's good sweetie now do you fell ok to travel and I said what do you mean and Edward said well we have distant family in Alaska and we were planing on visiting them.

Then I said yeah I would love to go with you and Carlisle said ok then let's go Bella stay beside Esme at all times ok and I said ok Carlisle and then I took a hold of Esme's hand and then me, Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie all ran vampire speed to Alaska and I knew I was going to miss the McKay's but I knew I had to forget them because they lied to me for so long.

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