Chapter 4

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Bella's pov

Once Andy said that I gasped and I said if I had a chance to live forever I would definitely take it because then I would be able to see my dad live out his life and Andy said ok Bella what if I was to say that I could make your wish come true and I said what do you mean and Andy said look Bella me and my family are vampires.

Then I gasped and moved back on my bed scared to move and Andy said look Bella I'm not going to hurt you if I was to offer you the chance to become like us would you take it and I said but what would happen when I did become one and Andy said well you would have to drink blood for eternity and you would have to stay away from people until you have control of you thirst.

So then I thought about it and I said that would mean I won't be able to see my dad won't it and Andy said yes yes it would but you will be able to see him again once you have control and me and my family can help you do that and I said yeah that would be got so if you and your family are vampires what age are you all really.

Then Andy said well I am 600 years old and my wife is 599 years old and our sons were brothers in their human life and where both turned together so they are both 400 year old and I gasped and smiled and I said would you really let me stay with your family I mean won't your family mind.

So then Andy said no they won't because my wife has always wanted a daughter and to tell you the truth so have I and my sons have always wanted a sister and I said thinking about me dying within days of today and I said yes I want to live I don't want to die I'm only 15 years old for gods sake.

Then Andy said ok Bella now you understand you won't be able to leave our house for at least 2 years right and I said yes I understand please I don't want to die and Andy said ok sweetie now this is going to be painful ok and I said yes ok and Andy said when you wake up you'll be with my family in my house ok.

So then I said ok thank you Andy and then Andy walked over to me and bent down to my neck and he said your welcome and then he bit into my neck, my 2 arms and my 2 legs and as he did I started screaming from the pain from the venom that was building inside of me and I felt like I was on fire.

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