Chapter 13

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I took a deep breath in and slowly made my way in the car.

"Are you excited, honey?" My mom asked, excitedly as we drove to the orphanage.

"Sure... The best day ever..." I said, sarcastically.

Soon, we pulled up to the adoption center. Children were running around everywhere. So many young kids... How could their parents give them up like that?

I entered through the wooden door, examining all the kids playing with eachother. Babies, toddlers, all the way up to teens.

There was this adorable little boy. He looked about 5 or 6. He had light blonde hair and blue eyes like the ocean. He had khakis with suspenders and a green and blue plaid shirt underneath it.

"Hi..." I waved at him. He smiled at me, showing me his missing front tooth.

"Hewo. I'm Billy! I'm 5 and I wuff ice cream!" He said with a lisp.

I giggled,"Don't we all?"

He giggled, too. I looked over at my parents who were in an office, talking to some lady. They were nodding their heads, signing things, and smiling.

"Do you have any new parents?" I asked him, hoping this is the kid my parents picked.


"Is there any one who recently got adopted?"

"Yeah...Felix was... He's kinda scary."

I told him to hold on a minute and I walked to my parents.

"Who did you adopt?" I demanded to know.

"Felix...uh..." She looked at the papers," Mattson, Felix Mattson."

"But, mom, I want Billy!" I said pointing at him.

"We wanted someone your age. Someone who would understand teenage problems."

"Gross..." I stomped out, and squatted beside Billy. Not ready to say goodbye.

"Am I coming home with you?!?" He said, his eyes wide.

"Um...I tried, Billy... My mom said she already has someone. I really wish I could take you home, but that's not my choice..."

His eyes swelled up with tears and he drooped his head. "Oh... It's okay..."

I could hear him sniffle and it broke my heart. I rubbed his head and smiled.

"Don't worry! You'll find someone great! GREATER THAN SPIDER-MAN!"

"Spider-Man? Is that even possible?"

"Yep! And they are all yours!" I said, pointing at him.

He smiled and nodded. "Okay..."

"Children! Time for lunch!" A woman's voice banged cheerfully throughout the building as lots of children pushed their way to one room. Billy joining them.

"Bye..." I waved, but he didn't hear me.

I turned around, bumping into somebody. I stumbled backwards, falling on my butt.

"Sorry!" I said, looking up.

It was a teen boy with dark brownish/blackish hair, crystal blue eyes, and he was very tall. Probably looking around for a kid with his parents. He stuck out his hands, helping me up. All I could think about was about how hot he was... Goodness...

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Um... Nicole Sterling... You?"

"Felix Mattson."

Of course, the cute boy has to become my brother.

"You're pretty hot." He added. I looked at him in confusion.

"Uhh, thanks?" I chuckled.

"We should go out sometime."

I turned around cause I heard my mom's voice calling us.

"Come on, Felix! Oh! I see you have met, Nicole. She's your sister now!"

He turned towards me, pursing his lips in embarrassment.

"Yeah..." I whispered, kind of restating what my mom said.


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