Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Zeus' Dagger

Deciding it was quicker to fly there now, I made the wind carry us to the cave. I just hoped we were able to fly fast enough for Zeus to realize I was in his domain. We landed in front of the eagle, and I looked at it. It looked strangely familiar with its blue gem eyes, but I ignored it. The thing that puzzled me the most was the hand-shaped indent on its chest. It looked almost like the shape of my hand, and I remembered during my dream of Deuce her eyes had been the exact same shade of the gems on the eagle's eyes. I wonder...

"That's creepy," Brendon said.

"Careful," Piper warned. "The eagle is Zeus' sacred animal. Insult it, and Zeus will blast you into a million pieces."

"Been threatened by Zeus with the same threat," I muttered. "Not fun."

"Hey Ari, come here," Jake said.

I walked over and saw Greek letters carved into the entrance of the cave.

"What does it say?" Brendon asked.

"Those who enter must be warned, only the Elemental can be forewarned," Piper translated.

"Any idea what that means?" Jake asked.

"I'm guessing it means only I can touch the dagger," I concluded. "Deuce must have known that I'd know how to get the dagger and cursed it so only I'd be able to get it."

"Good theory," Brendon said. "I hope it's right."

"You and me both," I muttered and stepped carefully inside.

At once I was aware of a lot of electricity in the air and lightning prepared to strike. I saw Jake about to step in, and I stopped him just as lightning struck. I made it change direction and looked at Jake, who was about to step in again.

"Don't come in," I warned. "You'll get struck be lightning and be electrocuted. Zeus wants me to do this on my own."

"Zeus sent that?" Brendon asked.

I nodded. Jake retreated back.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Piper asked.

I nodded. "I'll be fine. Just don't step into the cave."

I slowly walked forward but then froze. My instincts were telling me to run as I sensed danger.

The possibilities of you surviving this is one in a million, my rational voice said in my head. The only way is to go with-

Shut up, I told it.

I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. I instinctively reached up and my fingers curled around my locket. The familiarity of it gave me the push I needed.

"I can do this," I whispered, letting go of my locket. "Whatever it takes."

I opened my eyes and ran forward. My Huntress' senses warned me of an arrow being shot at me. I dove to the ground and somersaulted under the arrows. One hissed over my head, and then they stopped.

I got back up on my feet and ducked as an arrow sped towards my face. I stayed on the floor until I was sure all the arrows were over. I stood up and looked behind me.

Arrows were sticking out of walls, and I was surprised I survived that many arrows being shot at me.

"Ari!" Jake yelled.

"I'm alright," I called. "I'm going forward now."

Cautiously, I took a step forward. Nothing happened, so I took another step. Ten more steps later, the second obstacle happened.

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