Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

We Have a Sleepover After Paint Ball

Everyone went down to the beach to have a victory party. I didn't understand why, but apparently it was tradition to party, then go paintballing in the dark in the woods, and then have a sleepover with some friends after they win a battle between a rival. That is all I got from what Piper told me. The rest was all gibberish. She was so happy I could barely understand her, and I have conversations with Brendon. That says something.

Brendon, Jake, Piper, and I all walked to the beach together, and they helped answer everyones questions they had about me. Jake told them the story about what happened at the Queen's Ball (the truth-not Brendon's psychotic made-up story); Brendon told them all about when and where I used my power; Piper told them any information we told her but forgot to tell everyone else; and I told them how I used my power, what it means, how it works, and what it's like being the Elemental.

"It's really not that easy," I told them. "You've got to control it when your temper flares, you've got to know exactly how much power to put into the element, and you've really got to control it. It gets out of hand easily; you just have to be stronger than it. You have to control it so it won't control you."

"Sounds complicated," a twelve year old son of Dionysus said.

"It is, but it gets a little easier as you practice and as the months go by," I said.

"When did you discover you were the Elemental?" someone asked.

"April thirty-first," I said. "We went to a Greek museum, and I controlled water and earth for the first time. May first was the first time I controlled fire, and May second I controlled air for the first time."

"Sounds like it was a crazy three days," Chad said.

"It was," I agreed.

I heard Lexi groan angrily. "Gods, the stupid wind is messing up my hair!" She turned to me. "Ari, can you please make the wind stop for me?"

"No," I said, glowering at her. "I don't take orders from girls like you."

"Well, you should," Lexi snapped. "You have the power, so use it."

"I don't use my power just to stop the wind from messing up my hair," I said icily. "I use my power for protection, battle, and defense only, with occasional reasons to have fun. I don't use it for stupid reasons like that, Lexi."

She glared at me. "They picked the wrong person to be the Elemental."

I took a step forward and glared at her. "I can snap your neck right now and not think twice about it. Don't think this is all fun and games. It's far from it. And if you think you could handle being the Elemental, then you are sorely mistaken. I've seen girls torn apart for saying stuff like that. I'd keep that in mind next time you say something stupid."

"You better take that back, Kingsley. I have everyone here wrapped around my finger."

"Don't start a fight you can't win, Love. Hold made the exact same mistake as you are now, and look what that got him. Be careful who you challenge. It may be the last thing you'll ever do."

I turned and walked away. She was trying to manipulate me, but I've had a rule that overtakes her. Rule number fourteen: don't be the played. Be the player.

I walked around and stood next to Brendon. "Hey," I said angrily.

He looked at me. "Who's got you on kill-mode now?"

"Lexi and her stupid attitude," I said. "She's in for a rude awakening when our next adventure comes up."

Brendon frowned. "How do you know there will be another adventure?"

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