Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

How I Spent My First Night At Demigod Olympus

After what seemed like eternity, Zelus and Dan finally let me go. I walked around and found Jake. He was talking with Brendon and Piper, and I walked over.

"Hey," Jake said. "What were you in trouble for this time?"

"Taking out some guys that were annoying me. The usual," I said.

Brendon laughed. "I would be scared if you weren't beating up people."

I blushed. "Shut up."

Piper laughed. "I'm starting to wonder if it was a good thing becoming friends with Ariana."

"Oh, it's a great thing. If you didn't you would never have met me," Brendon said, smiling brightly at Piper.

"And me," Jake put in.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't make me regret befriending you."

"We won't," Jake said. "You've been around us for too long to regret it."

"Oh gods," I said, and they laughed.

"So, what do you want to do?" Piper asked.

"Swim," I said.

"We can't do that. The sea is off-limits at five o'clock," she said.

"Even to a child of Poseidon?" I asked.

Piper nodded. "Especially to a child of Poseidon."

"That's messed up. They're keeping me from my birth right. That's illegal," I protested.

"No, it's not," Piper said.

"Well, it should be," I said.

"I agree with Piper on this," Brendon said. "You and water don't go well together at night."

"That's because you're around," I argued.

"Don't even reply, Brendon," Jake said. "She'll just use your words against you."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "That's stupid."

"And unfair," Piper put in.

I shrugged. "It's what happens when you argue with a child of Athena."

Piper suddenly remembered something. "Oh, that reminds me, you're going to have to sit with the Athena kids at dinner. Retreat rules."

I made a face. "Do I have to?"


"But I don't like people."

Jake laughed. "We know that."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled, and my heart beat a little faster. I smiled back, and we exchanged a look. Brendon noticed this, and I looked away from Jake. I felt my cheeks warm, and I hoped that they would think it was because I was hot, not because of my crush towards Jake.

"So you're gonna have to watch out for the Athena kids," Piper concluded

I grimaced. "Please don't call them 'Athena kids'.

Piper frowned. "Why?"

"Ari thought her mom was dead for six years," Jake explained. "It bothers her with the thought her mom might've been with somebody else other than her father."

Piper nodded. "I know the feeling."

I shrugged. Jake pretty much knows everything about me, besides me liking him. That is one thing I'd like to keep from him. For reasons nobody but me should know.

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