Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We Go To A Nightclub In Spain


“I still can’t believe Zelus is sending us on a plane to Spain,” Brendon said.

“I know,” Piper said. “But hey, it’s a free trip. We got first class seating, and we’re going to another country.”

“We know, but last time we were in another country, we were on the front page and were wanted,” Jake said. “Knowing us, it will probably happen again.”

“You could’ve stayed behind,” I reminded him.

“And miss out on all the fun?” Jake said. “You’re not leaving me behind without the thrill of another dangerous adventure.”

I smiled at the irony in that statement. He was joking, but we all knew it was far more dangerous than we think it is. Thinking about it is one thing, but experiencing it is an entirely different thing. But being children of the gods, we run on adrenaline and love the thrill and danger of an adventure.

“Are you sure you want to fly?” Jake asked as we sat down to wait for our plane. “It’s dangerous being so close to Zeus. We can always stone travel.”

“I’ll be fine,” I assured him. “Zeus won’t kill innocent people yet. We have a deal: I find his daughter and dagger in one week, and he leaves me alone until that one week is up. The Fates are making sure both of us keep our sides of the bargain. I’ll be okay.”

I was nervous and uneasy, but I didn’t tell Jake that. I would be able to control the lightning if dear old Uncle Zeus attacked us along with the winds, I just might faint afterwards. I still wasn’t sure if I would be able to handle another new element.

But my strength was returning, and I was adjusting to all the new elements and adapting to them. Adjust and adapt, Zelus always said. Give it a day, and I’d be used to controlling all seven elements.

“Should we get some food, Blondie?” Brendon asked. “To help conceal our weapons?”

Our weapons showed up as money to a regular mortal eye and x-ray, but food helped conceal them. We had to hide Piper’s bow and arrows in a guitar case to hide them. In the end, we discovered she could just make them disappear and reappear on command. I would’ve gotten a bow and arrow, but I wasn’t quite used to them. Instead, I got throwing knives. Maybe next time I’ll get a taser. A girl can only dream.

“No, Brendon,” Piper said. “Knowing you, you’d end up buying the whole food court.”

Brendon grinned. “I would,” he agreed.

I smiled. They were so cute together, and I could already tell they would be together for a very long time. It was nice seeing them happy and Brendon finally having a girlfriend. The only thing left was to get Jake to ask me out. That’s still a work in progress.

Seeming to sense my mood, Jake looked at me. “It’s nice seeing Brendon with a girl, isn’t it?” he whispered.

I nodded. “They’ll be good for each other.”

“Yeah,” Jake agreed. “It would be nice to have someone else other than your close friends and family.”

“Well, you have Lexi for that. She is oh so in love with you,” I teased.

Jake grinned. “Yeah, never gonna happen.”

“You jinxed it. You two will end up married now.”

“Married and divorced in the same hour. Enough about me, what about you?”

I was quiet for a moment, watching Piper and Brendon. They were in their own little world. “I don’t know,” I admitted after a while. “I’ve been so used to taking care of myself, I don’t know what I’d do.”

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