Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I Find Out Some Very Interesting Information

"Wait, hold on," Lexi said, looking back and forth between my dad and me. "He's your dad."

"Yes, he is," I said. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"How can he be your father? Athena hates him!" Lexi said.

"Times have changed, Lexi. Gods are falling in love with one another now," I explained.

"But how?"

"I'm the Elemental. One can only have a chance to be the Elemental if they have two godly parents and if the child turns out to be mortal. Mine just so happened to be Poseidon and Athena."

"But why did you, of all people, get to be the Elemental?"

This time my dad answered. "Nobody knows. Fate isn't a thing that can be understood and found out early. Things have to happen. The Fates just so happened to decide that Ariana's fate would be an important one, as did her destiny."

"But it's not fair!" Lexi argued.

"Life isn't fair, child," Zelus said, stepping into the conversation. "Ariana's life just has her being the Elemental. Now, leave the matter alone. We wouldn't want to offend our guest."

Lexi stiffened. She gave me a dark look; I returned it with narrowed eyes and a shake of my head: the universal sign of thinking, gods I hate her. She walked off to fix her hair presumably and vanished into the Aphrodite temple.

Zelus looked at my dad. "Poseidon, my old friend. How are you?"

My dad smiled. "Great, thanks. And you?"

"I'm doing good. Happy here, as always. What brings you here?"

"My daughters sixteenth birthday. I made a promise to visit her, so I thought it would be good a day before her birthday."

"Ariana's birthday is tomorrow? I would've done some decorating if I'd known."

"I don't like people knowing when it's my birthday," I said, shooting a glare at my dad, though I had a feeling Zelus had known. "They make a big deal out of it, and they always plan a party."

"Parties are awesome," Brendon said, appearing next to me. "Which is the reason why we always have them."

"Yeah, but you and Jake always go overboard," I said.

"We're your best friends," Jake said, appearing at my side as well. "It's our job to make sure you have an outstanding birthday party."

"Yeah, but you always buy me expensive gifts, which you know I hate," I said.

Jake shrugged. "We've known you forever. We have the right to buy you expensive birthday gifts. You only turn an age once, you know."

"Of course I know that." I punched him in the shoulder. "The last Elemental only lived long enough to reach eighteen. I don't want to have to always expect parties and presents when I might only have two more birthdays after this one."

"All the more reasons to buy you expensive gifts. Give you presents to make up for a lot more birthdays."

"Yes, but what's the point of getting gifts when I'm not gonna have more birthdays to make up for all those gifts?"

"Good point."

I smiled. "I told you I always win, dad."

My father smiled. "Just like your mother. I'm never gonna get over how much you two look alike. Did you get any of my genes?"

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