Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Piper and I Sort-Of Destroy A Car

I woke up to the smell of the sea and birds chirping. I opened my eyes, and a warm breeze greeted me. I smiled slightly and stood up. I stretched and woke up my sleeping muscles, feeling the pulls and stretching of them.

I ran a brush through my hair and fishtail braided it over my shoulder. I put on a clean pair of jeans, my converse, and a blue t-shirt that had a trident on it and said Team Poseidon. I put on my locket and brushed my teeth before walking out.

People were everywhere, and I grabbed an apple for my breakfast. I threw it away after I was done with it and looked around. I saw Jake showing some people his power over stone, and I decided not to go over there. It would just make my geokinesis act up and make me want to use it even more. He waved at me, and I waved back.

I felt vibrations through the earth, and I turned around. I saw Piper, and I jogged over to her. "Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing much," I said.


I nodded, and I heard a car engine roar. Piper and I looked at each other and saw a yellow camaro with black racing stripes on the road that led to the conference room (it was more like a house that was one huge place to hold conferences). I noticed a path of dirt that led around the entire retreat, and I turned my attention back to the car.

Dan got out and walked towards the conference room. Piper and I looked at each other and then at the car. I had no doubt both our eyes were glittering with mischief as we looked at the car.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Hijacking the car and driving at full speed around the place?" she asked.


"And possibly harming a few civilians?"

"Oh yeah."

"Bring it on."

We giggled and snuck towards the car. We stayed low to the ground and made as little noise as possible. We went unnoticed, and we got in the car safely.

"Who's driving?" Piper asked as we both sat in the car, ready to switch seats if needed. "I'm still fifteen."

"Me too," I said. "I turn sixteen in three weeks, though."

"You're driving."


We got into our designated seats, and I bent down. I quickly hotwired the car (we didn't have the keys), and I straightened up. "Ready?" I asked as the engine roared to life.

"Step on it," Piper replied.

I grinned and put my hands on the steering wheel. "Hold on."

With that said, I stepped on the gas pedal. My foot hit the floor, and we shot forward at a speed of 250 mph. We both screamed at the top of our lungs as the gas pedal got stuck. The only thing that kept us alive was our sharp eyesight and being able to adjust to the speed quickly. I turned the steering wheel left for the turn and managed to stay on the course we set.

"Holy crap!" Piper screamed.

"We're gonna die!" I screamed.

"If we do, we'll die in style!"

"You've got that right!"

We laughed, and I heard yells. I turned to the right and managed to avoid hitting people. I regained control of the wheel and managed to get back on the course.

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