Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Fates Finally Decide To Help Me Out

I woke up to the feeling I was on fire. The only thought I had was: but I'm fireproof. I then realized from the wet cloth being dabbed on my face that I wasn't on fire at all. I just had a really high fever.

My vision was blurry, but I could make out a person with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. "Jake?" I asked.

My throat hurt and my voice was strained. I could barely make a sound.

"I'm here, Ari," came Jake's voice. "Poseidon, she's awake!"

"How's her skin?" a voice that sounded like Piper's said.

Cold hands touched my forehead. "She's still burning up," Jake said.

My vision swimmed, and I closed my eyes.

"Stay with me, Ari. Piper, she's going under!" was the last words I heard before I fell unconscious.


I woke up to aching body parts and sore muscles. What was going on? I managed to sit up halfway, but was pushed back down.

"Stay down, kiddo," said my father's voice. "You need rest."

"What's going on?" I croaked. I heard sounds like yelling, but it could've just been in my head.

"Nothing you need to worry about," my dad's voice said. "Just sleep. You're still sick."

Something was poured into my mouth. It tasted weird, to I naturally tried to spit it out. Someone forced me to swallow it, and chills went down my spine.

"You'll be okay," my dad said as everything faded. "Just sleep."

I was unconscious before he finished.


A twist in my gut woke me from my state of unconsciousness. I inhaled sharply at the sudden feeling, and my eyes flew open. My vision was blurry, but then sharpened. I looked around, noticing everything. Years of training had made it instinct to absorb everything my senses picked up.

I heard voices muffled by the door, smelled the scent of herbal tea, and I was unfamiliar surroundings. I was in a...bathroom? Yes, a bathroom. The sink and toilet gave that away.

I looked around and saw a figure in a corner. I already knew by the twist in my gut that I was in water, and by the difference of temperature in my head and body. I focused and felt a cold feeling in my gut that told me ice was near. The feeling had developed (like all the others) when I controlled ice for the first time.

The coldness sharpened, and I concluded I was in a bath full of ice. I had learned over the few months to trust what I picked up from the elements over my other senses. My Elemental senses were always the most important and accurate. Once I figured out where I was, I relaxed.

The figure walked forward. "I didn't expect you to wake up. I just put you in the tub," my dad said.

"Being the Elemental has its advantages," I replied. "Now care to tell me why I'm in an ice bath?"

"It's to help break your fever," my dad explained. "It's been high for the past couple days."

Another question popped into my head. "Why did I faint?"

My dad shrugged. "Only you really can confirm why. Zelus thinks it's because you've been discovering new abilities quicker." He looked at me. "Have you?"

I nodded slowly. "Three so far."

"And they are?"

"Cyrokinesis, umbrakinesis, and electrokinesis."

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