Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I Find My Long-Lost Cousin Deuce

We flew for hours, none of us wanting to go back and see if Richard was alive. I glanced at Brendon and saw his mouth pressed into a thin line. I knew he was upset that Richard, his half brother, turned out to be a traitor. It had to hurt, knowing your brother betrayed their own family.

I looked away from Brendon. I had to leave to his own thoughts. I'd have to talk to him about it later, as flying on dragons towards Greece wasn't the time.

I looked over at Piper. Her eyes were red like she'd been crying. Can't say I blame her for crying. She almost died today and nearly lost two of her friends and her boyfriend. It was traumatizing.

I could tell Piper was still shaken up by that monster almost killing Brendon. She barely reacted in time to save him, and she was the only one who would've been fast enough to save him, as I was saving Jake.

I tore my eyes away from Piper. I got this feeling that she was planning something. I'm not sure if I liked that. Knowing Piper, she'd want me to go along with it. And I don't know if I'd be able to do that.

My gaze finally fell on Jake. He looked nervous and worried.

My heart lurched as I realized how close I came to losing him. I could've died in that cave, and I would never have been able to tell Jake things that he should know.

I looked down at my hands. Telling Jake how I feel could ruin our relationship. I didn't want that to happen. Things are good just how they are now.

Shadow seemed to sense my uneasiness, and he shifted and looked up at me. I patted his head soothingly. "It's alright bud. Don't worry about it."

Shadow seemed to nod and looked ahead of us.

I reached up and began messing with my locket. I was really nervous about facing Zeus and my father. Zeus will be furious I didn't bring back Deuce, and it will be awkward talking to my dad after the whole ordeal with Chrysaor.

The person I was looking forward most to seeing was Iris. Being a minor goddess, she would be able to keep me company if Zeus called a meeting for the Olympians.

I bit my lip; a habit I do when I get nervous or uncomfortable. I stopped messing with my locket and occupied myself by watching the clouds fly past.

An hour later, Olympus came into view. My heart beat faster, and I tightened my grip on Zeus' Dagger. We circled a couple of times and landed in front of the palace. We got off our dragons, and they flew away. All except Shadow, who stayed by my side.

Normally I would send him away, but I knew I was going to want all the protection I could get while facing Zeus.

"That was fun," Piper said, her voice strained.

Brendon walked over and put his arm around her. She rested her head against his shoulder, and Jake glanced at me.

I put on a brave face, but kept one hand on Shadow. My knees felt like collapsing, and Shadow was the only thing keeping me up.

"Let's go," Jake said.

Wordlessly, I walked into the palace. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, and we reached the throne room.

"You have the dagger?" Piper asked.

I held up Zeus' Dagger. I would've spoken, but I was sure I'd break down if I did. I couldn't trust myself to speak at the moment.

"You'll be fine, Blondie," Brendon said, obviously seeing how scared I was.

"We're here with you," Jake said.

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