Chapter 1

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The Elemental

Book 2: Air

Everything is not what is seems

Chapter 1

Having Fun In Shelbyville

I looked out the window, watching the trees fly by. They were blurs of green and brown, though my sharp eyesight enabled me to make out the leaves on the branches.

I looked over and saw my best friend Brendon Davis playing fruit ninja on an iPad. He was totally absorbed in the game, and I shook my head. He's been addicted to that game since his dad, Hermes, showed him it. I shook my head again and looked at Brendon again. Brendon's curly black hair was messed up, his dark skin created the illusion of him being African American, his dimples which gave him his nickname were unnoticable since he wasn't smiling or laughing, and his dark brown eyes were glued to the iPad screen. Classic Brendon.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my other best friend, Jake Spencer. He was playing minecraft on his iPod, and I studied him. His slightly long black hair was tousled (as usual), his tan skin was tanner from all the time we spent in the sun, and his hazel eyes were studying his creation. Jake is the son of Hephaestus, so he's good at building and creating stuff as well as fixing things. He likes building things, but he lacks some creativity.

And then there's me. I am the daughter of Athena, so I am very creative. Whenever Jake can't get any ideas on what to build, he goes to me. You could say we make a good pair because of that.

I guess I should explain our parents. You see, Jake, Brendon, and I are children of two greek gods, making us hemigods-children of two gods who just happened to turn out mortal instead of immortal. Jake is the son of Hephaestus, god of the forge, and Hestia, goddess of the hearth. With those as his parents, his special talent is controlling stone. Brendon is the son of Hermes, god of messages and thieves, and Nemesis, the goddess of revenge. His special talent is voice imitation, which enables him to sound exactly like anybody he's heard speak.

Me, well, I am different from them. My dad is Poseidon, god of the seas, and my mother is Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Unlike Jake and Brendon, I wasn't born with my own special talent. Instead, I got a powerful one that only one person has had, and they got killed because of it. I was born with the uncanny ability to control the elements-earth, air, fire, and water-and I'm known as the Elemental.

Now to explaining why being the Elemental is so bad. Trust me, it sounds awesome, but being the Elemental nearly gets you killed. I nearly got killed two weeks ago. The gods want the Elemental dead because they are very powerful. More powerful than the gods themselves, which angers them as well as annoys them.

My least-favorite uncle, Zeus (god of the skies), thought I was too powerful and dangerous to even exist, so he tried to kill me. Great uncle, isn't he? I was about to die when I proved I was a hero and my existence was not only a threat, but also a savior, so I was allowed to live. Happy ending, right? Wrong.

I thought I was off the hook, but Zeus just loves to torture me. He sent nature spirits to help me learn my powers, but everyone knows it really was to spy on me. After I confronted them about it and proved I could control my powers better than they thought, they left without telling Zeus that I was practicing by myself. I liked it better that way, so all was good.

So far, we've decided to not tell anyone who doesn't already know that I'm the Elemental. For my safety, as my dad puts it but I knew it was for other reasons (monster reasons to be exact). Bad things happen when someone wants the Elemental. Once my blood was almost gonna be drunk by a mad scientist (it's a long story). Yeah, I have to be careful with who to trust with my secret.

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