Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I Find a Home At Demigod Olympus

The place was in chaos. Everyone was trying to fight the bull, but with no success. It was too powerful for them. One girl seemed to be doing a good job, but I could tell she'd been fighting for a while.

"Think they need our help?" Jake asked.

"Oh yeah," Brendon said.

"Let's go," I said.

I got out Okeanos and it grew to full size in my hand. Jake and Brendon charged, but I stayed behind to analyze. Judging by my calculations, the bull's only weakness was it's chest-an impossible place to hit.

I smiled. A challenge-just what I needed.

This should be fun, I thought.

I whistled loudly, and the bull looked at me. "Hey Meat Head!" I yelled. "Come and get me!"

Steam shot out of its nose, and its eyes glowed like coals. I crouched down as it charged at me, and I forced myself to hold my position.

Wait for it, I told myself as it came closer. Wait for it...NOW!

I leaped up into the air, willing the wind to take me higher, and landed behind the bull. I landed on my feet and turned to look at the bull. It crashed into a wall, and I was briefly reminded of the fight with the Minotaur a couple months ago. That experience may come in handy for this fight.

The bull staggered back and looked around angrily. It saw the girl who was fighting earlier, and it charged.

"Watch out!" I yelled.

She looked around, and a figure darted past me. Brendon tackled the girl out of the way, and the bull bellowed in anger as it missed its target.

Jake appeared next to me, and I noticed he was holding Chrysos (his sword). I checked to make sure he was okay before making a plan.

"You got a plan?" Jake asked.

"You know I do," I replied. "Keep everyone away from me, I'm gonna need all the room I can get."

"Gotcha," Jake said and ran off.

It was still dark out, and I was using the light from the torches to see. I saw Brendon pull the girl out of the way, and I shrinked Okeanos down. I got out my Huntress' Dagger and took three giant steps back.

"I hope this works," I said and sprinted forward.

I used a rock to launch myself into the air, and I landed on the bull's back. I bit my tongue and tasted blood when I landed. "Not my best idea," I groaned, spitting out some blood.

"Ari!" Jake yelled, but I ignored him. I was too busy hanging on to the bull for dear life to respond.

I clutched its body with my legs and held on to a piece of gold, trying not to fall off as it bucked.

"Ari!" Jake yelled again.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment!" I managed to yell.

I managed to plunge my dagger into a chink in its armor. It roared and threw me off its back. I screamed and managed to turn around in midair so I could still see the bull. My back slammed against a wall, and my vision was filled with dots.

Ow, I thought.

My vision cleared, and I saw the bull charging at me. I screamed and managed to grab its horns before they could sink into my skin. I pushed it back, but it met with equal force. I had to use my Huntress strength to keep it at bay, and I finally formed a plan.

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