Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Exploring the Jungle

"So you really came up with that whole plan in less than a minute?" Brendon asked for the millionth time.

I groaned. "Yes, Brendon, I did. I'm not the daughter of Athena for nothing."

"Well excuse me for being curious," Brendon said.

I rolled my eyes and threw my backpack on to the bed in the room we were staying in. It was by the beach, and I looked out the window at the dark blue ocean. Thoughts crowded in my head, but I couldn't think with my friends around. Some things you can only think about when you're alone.

I dug around in my backpack and brought out the silver swimsuit I brought along with me. Don't ask, I'd knew I'd go swimming. I mean, we are in Spain.

"I'll be back," I said. "I'm going for a swim."

Wisely, Jake and Piper didn't ask why. They knew I have my reasons for doing what I do.

Brendon, however, was stupid and asked, "Why? It's so late?"

I looked at him. He was used to knowing everything I did, since I do tell him, so I didn't yell at him. "I need to be alone, first of all. And second of all, water is the one place I can think."

"Oh," Brendon said. "What do you need to think about?"

"Things," I said, walking into the bathroom.

I washed off all the make-up and changed into my swimsuit. I opened the door and waved goodbye. I walked down to the beach and felt the sand squish beneath my bare feet. The salty smell of the ocean mixed with the smell of the beach air helped calm my nerves and was enough to soothe me.

I took a deep breath and smiled. The scent was my all time favorite scent, next to the smoky sweet smell of a bonfire. The waves crashed on to the beach, and it helped me feel closer to my dad. That was exactly what I needed.

I dived headfirst into the water and was aware of the currents. I floated around for a while before sitting down on the ocean floor. I allowed myself to start thinking.

I was a little upset about what Chrysaor said about being Poseidon's favorite child. I know I've spent a lot of time with my dad, but it doesn't help knowing his other children like Chrysaor have had more time with him then I will ever have. I've been alive for sixteen years, and Chrysaor has been alive since my dad and Medusa hooked up, or when Perseus cut off her head. He's had way more time with my dad then I will ever have.

Just that thought made my vision blurry. I wiped away the tears (it's hard to do when you're underwater so everything's wet) and remembered something my mom told me: It's alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry, but you should never let others see your weakness.

I sighed and looked up. Thanks mom, for another one of your famous wisdom quotes.

I imagined she could hear me, and I pictured her smiling and shaking her head.

"If you think that's bad, wait until the real ones start," is what she would say.

I smiled to myself. Knowing my mom so well, picturing her in my head was almost like she was actually doing what I was picturing her doing.

So what do I do, mom? I thought.

Another one of her famous quotes: Ignore the risks. Follow your instincts: they work so much better.

Yep, sometimes being the daughter of Athena sucks since you're always contradicting yourself to get the right answer.

I felt the current change, and I figured I'd been gone long enough. I swam up to the surface and walked back to the hotel. I dried my hair with a towel and got in the shower. I washed off the smell of the ocean and dried off.

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