Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I Almost Get Married and Turned To Gold

Knowing I was going to be using a lot of my powers and strength, I took a nap. We took turns driving, but we ended up just crashing in a forest. It was ten o'clock, and I said we sneak in at dawn where everyone would either be asleep or too tired and weak to stop us.

Piper curled up next to Brendon, and they were asleep in an instant. Jake and I, however, could not fall asleep. We were too worried or nervous to sleep.

"Do you think we'll make it out safely?" Jake asked.

"We've got to," I said. "We have to complete our quest. If anything, the only delay will be if Midas' guards catch us and bring us to Midas. Then, we can-" I stopped short.

Jake frowned. "What is it? You've got that look in your eyes when you figure out something."

"Midas will keep the map close to him," I said.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, if we're caught we'll be brought straight to him. He'll want Piper and me to be his wives, since everyone thinks we're beautiful, and we'll get the map then."

"I'm sensing they're a few flaws in your plan."

"This is just our game plan. Getting the map is the tricky party. We're gonna have to pull a tricky stunt to get it. Something we haven't done yet."

Rule number fourteen rang in my ears: never do anything twice. I was reminded of it once before, and I was reminded of it once again.

"Well, I guess that means we're doing what we're used to doing: making it up as we go along," Jake said.

I smiled. "That's what we're best at."

We eventually fell asleep, and I figured all that talking helped us fall asleep. I slept soundlessly, but a noise or the earth would alert me of something. Finally, I just stayed awake. This was unfamiliar territory, and I had to be alert. I wasn't safe, so I wouldn't be able to sleep perfectly normal.

I scanned the area over and over again, looking for any signs of trouble. Finally, I was aware of the lightening of the black sky. I waited until the sky was a dark blue color before waking up Jake, Brendon, and Piper.

"Wake up guys," I said. "We gotta get moving."

"Wazzgoinon?" Jake asked groggily.

"We've got to invade a castle," I said. "That's what's going on."

They all eventually regained their energy, and we set off. We hid on a giant hill, and I looked at Piper.

"It's you and me sneaking in first," I told her.

She nodded. "Let's go."

"What about us?" Jake asked.

"Don't worry, you'll get there," I said.

Piper and I exchanged smiles as we agreed silently on how to get them inside. Before the boys could protest any further, Piper and I slid down the hill. Moving quickly, we blended in with the shadows and arrived at the castle in no time.

"Any guards?" Piper asked.

I focused on the presences I felt through the earth. Ignoring Jake, Piper, and Brendon's presences, I searched for any others.

"One on the rooftop of the watchtowers, three on the roof, and two guarding the door," I said, opening my eyes as I had closed them to concentrate. "All humans."

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