Fluffy Bunny(Nico Di Angelo)

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Your POV

You were laying down on a rock drawing the sunset. Then you heard a sound.

"Hello?" You sheathed your weapon (W/N)

There was nothing.

That sucks.

You started drawing again. Then you felt cold hands on your eyes.

You knew who it was. 1st, Nico Always has cold hands. 2nd, Nico's hand for some reason are soft. 3rd, They smell like Vanilla and Pomegranate.

"Guess who! Come on, guess! Who is it?!" Nico sounded like a 10 year old. Which he only acts like that, only to you.

"Hmm...Darth Vader?" You pondered.

"Hey! I don't have that scratchy voice. And my face didn't get burned" He mumbles the last sentence to himself.

The only reason Nico knows Star Wars is maybe, you don't know, you forced him to watch every single movie and threatened to break up with him if he didn't. *Smiles sheepishly* Your a fangirl and you know it.

(Sorry if you don't like Star Wars!)

"Guess again!" He said.

"Hmm......I KNOW IT! SANTA CLAUS!" You yelled.

You could feel Nico being offended. You know your boyfriend. And he knows you. Like when you have a urge, you repeatedly stomp your right foot.

Nico took his hand off your face and sat next to you.

"I. Am. Not. Fat" Nico says.

Nico places you on his lap. His arms circle around your waist. He rests his head on your shoulder.

You always loved Nico's behavior around you. But he can be over protective. One time some drunk jerks tripped you, and well...........Nico might have tackled them. He said some VERY colorful language to them. Of course he blocked your ears, cause you always told him that you didn't like colorful language, if it's not Greek.

"I knew it was you Dum Dum." You said.

Nico smiled mischievously. He kissed your forehead softly. The warmth from his touch spread through you.

You played with Nico until....

"(Y/N) I'M BORED!" He complained. He slams his forehead on your shoulder. Nico kept moving, which let to a result of you falling off his lap and into the ground.

Nico's eyes widened. "Pft!" He couldn't hold it much longer. He bursted out laughing.

You had a plan in your mind. (Mwa ha ha! *cough* *cough* I'm okay *cough*)

You made your eyes go watery. "I thought you were protective of me!" You said painfully.

You were the best actor at all your schools. So it was a piece of cake.

Nico looked at you with disbelief.

Then you kept talking. "I thought you loved me! Your said you would keep me safe. No matter what. You said that even if I was a laughing stock, you'd still love me." You said. Trying to keep your laughter inside of you.

Nico's face becomes from disbelief to horror in a second.

"You broke your promise you jerk" you spat.

Nico stands up, and runs to you. Hugging you to death.

"I'm so so sorry! You know I love you, and pretty please don't break up with me! I love you with all my heart!" Nico kept rambling on and on about his love for you.

You decided that Nico had enough of his punishment.

"I forgive you. But you are one thing" you told Nico.

"What! Anything!" Man Nico was desperate for your love.

You smiled at him. "Stop being so gullible."

Nico stared at you with disbelief. "You did not"

"I did." You put both of your hands on your waist like a superhero. "And I was awesome"

"That's it" Nico holds you tight and shadow travels to his cabin.

"Nico! Let. Go. Of. Me!" You struggle from Nico's death grip.


"Please! My fluffy bunny!" You puppy pouted.

Nico stops.

Let me explain. On yours and Nico's first date. You were having a cute picnic. Nico was adorable. He smiled brightly and looked at you with excitement. He actually made Italian food. You and Nico were lying together. The you see a Cute Fluffy Bunny. It had the same expression as Nico that day. You told Nico and he blushed. After that, everytime you saw Nico. You would tell him he's your fluffy bunny.

He looked with you. He knew you had won.

"Fine..." He pouted. He looked so cute.

You went up to him a kissed him. He happily kissed back.

He smiled during the kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Of course, in a protectively way.

Everytime you and Nico kiss. It feels like fireworks. His lips were always warm and soft.

For some reason Nico was your strength. But he was also your weakness.

You and him both pulled away.

You poked your finger on Nico's chest.

"Your. My. Fluffy Bunny" you said.

Nico chuckled. "And your mine."

Hi! This is my first X Reader! How was it?

If it's good yay! If it's bad, well it's your opinion and I'm not going to judge.

I'd really like it if you guys requested something.

So yeah........Bye!


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