I'm apparently Tagged!

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Hellooooo! I have been tagged so yeah.....let's start. I was tagged by @ABookLover123 so let's do this! And when I tag you you will have to answer these same questions. Why? Don't know.

1-Do you have any pets? Nope. But I did use to have a pet bird named Eric

2-Name 3 things you are physically close to. My laptop, books, and my anime merchandise.

3-What's the weather like now? It's nightime. and I see about 2 stars.

4-Do you drive? If you do, have you crashed? Nope. Not at the age yet of where I live.

5-What time did you wake up in the morning? 9:08 So I can catch up on Magic Kaitou 1412 :p

6-When was the last time you showered? Just Now. But I hate washing my hair. To much effort.

7-What was the movie you last saw? Ponyo. Absolutely love that movie.

8-What does you last text message say? Np.

9-What's your ringtone? I have 2. Len Kagamine's own version of Undead Enemy. And the song Unhappy Refrain by Rin and Len Kagamine.

10-Have you ever been to a different country? Nope.

11-Do you like sushi? HECK YEAH! It's one of my favorite foods! But it's hard to choose between sushi or pizza.

12-Where do you buy groceries? Star Market

13-How many siblings to you have? One sister.

14-Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? I have my own laptop but my desktop is my cousins old one so it's pretty bad. Always glitches and takes a long time to load.

15-Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses. The only time I'd ever wear contacts would be for cosplaying.

16-Did you color your hair? Nope. But I was to either dye a strip of hair red or put red on the tips of my hair.

17-What is something your planning today? Trying to figure out how to get out of volleyball lessons.

18-What is your favorite pizza topping? Either plain cheese or sausage.

19-Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers? Really doesn't matter to me as long as it's edible.

20-Have you had a all-nighter? Yes. To finish the anime Code Geass. Absolutely love that show. I have a figurine of Guren(Kallen's machine/robot thing)

21-What is your eye color? Dark brown. But everybody thinks it's black. But some peple say it looks like a regular brown. And those are the days where I don't feel like flipping a table.

22-Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? Pepsi has this weirder taste to coke. Coke is just Coke.

23-Android or iOS? Android all the way.

24-What do you do when you can't fall asleep? Imagine stuff like being as one of my own characters. Completely wreck my bead so it's all messy and I just sleep in the corner. Or just tell my parents I can't sleep. Then they'll lecture me on how they can't do anything and I should go to sleep. Then next thing you know I pass out after five minutes.

25-Jeans or dresses? Jeans. Jeans. All the way.

26-Favorite animal? A Dragon.

27-Favorite inside joke? Person 1:The Butt. Person 2: Or also know as the A*s.

28- (Just because) What's your top 3 favorite genre in books? Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Fiction.

Well I'm tired now! Here are the people I will tag.








You 7 are all of my Chosen ones!!!!!!!!*Dramatic Music* Suceed your quest! And Tag more people!!! And just to let people know I litterally just scrolled down my followers list from the bottom and kept scrolling up. This was all random.....Sorry? Nah no regrets. Welp! Goodnight!(OR good morning or afternoon? It's nighttime here.)

Sayonara Slothies!


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