My Sunshine[Choice B]

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Sorry for being so late. I forgot.  Some cursing though, beware....


"YOU LITTLE PSYCHO!! I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU!!" You screamed at him. You're mind finally snapping.

His face turned into a scowl, before slapping you. Forcing you to back away while tumbling a little bit.

You glared at the little psycho, holding your now red cheek.

Suddenly the air becomes thin and cold.

Nico suddenly cackles to hard he had to clutch his stomach. He turns to you with wide insane eyes. a wicked smile reaching from ear to ear.

"YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CHOICE!?!?!" He roared. Tears streaming down his face but the smile never leaving. "You're not going anywhere (Y/N) belong to me and only me..." He mumbled over again and again till the point where it sound absolutely creepy.

"Tch.. I'm not weak bastard! And you actually thought I'd marry you? You're nuts." You scoffed at the psychopath in front of you..

But inside you were hurt

Ignoring what you said, Nico then shoves you to the wall. You're back still sore after the burning you bit your lip to muffle the screams that tried to escape.

"How about I rip off you lips instead? so you would kiss anybody but me? Eh? Doesn't that sound like a good idea?" A slow smirk started to appear on his face.


"Why don't I gouge your eyes out so you can only see me?" He uses his right hand to grab you chin, which forces your eyes to meet his.

Dude.....That's even worse...

"How about I rip off your tongue so you can't talk to anybody else?" Nico kept rambling on and and on about things he should do to you.


You glared coldly at him before slapping him in the face. "I can't believe I actually had a crush on you. But really now I see your true colors." Then you had a moment. "That's sounded so cheesy..."

Nico tumbled a little before reaching the area you had harshly slapped. His eyes clouded with anger and confusion. Nico started taking the words in. You had a crush on him? And crush means liking, which can be turned to loving. You slapped him too though which pained him. Why would you do that? You just basically confessed you loved him, right?

His obsidian colored hair blocked his eyes.

You slapped him.

You confessed you loved him.

You broke his heart.

You loved him.

You hated him.

You loved him.





Hate taking the form as love.

A smile appeared on his face. You slapped him because that's how you express your love, ne? Nico darkly chuckle to himself. He should have known you were never a big fan of romance. That's why he was going to help you. Even if he has to kill you. And chop off piece by piece until your nothing more than disembodied parts.

"It indeed sounded cheesy, (Y/N). So that is why I am going to cut it." (I know at least half of you readers thought he was going to fart. XD But it sounded clever, so....) Nico stared at you, seemingly like he was studying your every move.

You glare at him harshly before spitting at his feet. But then you stopped for a moment before steeping back. "If your gonna fart then please back away" You stared at him with disgust.

He stared at you with an irritated mark just above his head.


I look at you. "That's not in the script! Please don't make a joke about this! You're gonna die! please note that!" I yell, waving the script in front of you. But you were to busy laughing. While Nico snickered too.

I sigh before sitting down. AAAANNND ACTION!!!"

You glare at him hardy. " bastard stay the hell away from me..." You then tried to walk away but then got pulled back from the chains. (I bet one of you guys are gonna comment 'That's a neck!' So to late I already did that. :3 ha)

Nico then smirked at you. Before grabbing an awe from the wall. "So if thats the case..." He swung the axe round and round. Before grabbing the handle with both hands, with eyes darkening. "Then I'll just have to end you."

You're eyes widened. (STARE INTO MY EYEBALLSS!! XD nah just kidding. I feel the need to do that for some humor)

Nico than ran at you, slicing at you. But in time you moved, making one of the chains get cut by accident.

"Dam..." Nico muttered. Looking up you with a glare. "Playing hard to get huh? Don't worry. I won't ever let you go so that won't be a big problem." Nico then smiled "innocently"

You stared at him. Trying to decide either to laugh at his stupidness or punch him in the gut because he just disturbed you in general.

Nico than ran at you while you were still in thought. Making you fall to the ground in pain. While Nico straddeled you, he started to laugh insanely.

"HAHAHAHAAHA!! DON'T WORRY! THIS WILL BE PAINLESS!" He screamed at you before raising the axe and slicing off your head in one smooth motion.

You're eyes still wide from the shock. The rest of your body layed limp while Nico cuddled you decappitated head.

Before raising it to his face and Kissing it. "I love you Sooooo much!" He held you head tightly to his body. While blood drooped from the bloody neck. His eyes darkened but his smile widened. He then laughed out again smiling insanely.

"YOU'RE ALL MINE! AHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA!!! Now no one will EVER take you away from me again! AHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!" His laugh pierces the air, while he laughed like a madman.

You were his sunlight in his dark world. You provided light to him. And after feeling the sunlight for so long. He knew he needed it forever. He then trapped the sunlight. Forever in his grasp until the day he dies. Until the day you reborn again, he'll be waiting. For generations even, no matter how long. He will continue to find you. And the cycle will keep turning.



Sup guys! this is 1/8 so far! Hoped you liked this and star if you want to or comment. *Shrugs* I don't know. Till next time my dear Slothies!

Oh and Bands the Nico di Angelo x reader. Mostly I saw Fall out Boy. While I'm just sitting there like. "No...nobody likes Vocaloid?" Then I got a bit sad but then I cheered myself up with a bunch of their songs.

If anybody has heard/Listen of/10 Vocaloid. I now deem you in my 'Officially Awesome' Book. Everybody is awesome though. You specific guys are just in a book. (not really)


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