i <3 u (Annabeth x Reader)

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Request from Willy_the_kid

Your eyes reflected the flames in the fireplace. As everyone happily resting on a couch, some beanbags chairs, and a carpet covered floor. Talking and enjoying cookies and hot chocolate. You sniffled a bit before wrapping yourself in a fuzzy blanket. Hoping that you'd get a bit warmer.

Your eyes darted to the empty space beside you before you grumbled a bit and went even deeper in you burrito like blanket fort. Then as if your wish came true, your girlfriend Annabeth appeared with a smile on her face.

And in here hands are a piece of paper, 2 pencils and a clipboard. You stared at Annabeth blankly before facepalming yourself at her actions. You then scooted a bit farther away from her. Hoping that maybe she wouldn't get you involved on what ever she was planning. But unfortunately Annabeth took note at your movements as plopped right beside you.

"What the Hades do you think your doing?" She questioned, although her eyes said 'Sit your butt down and let me do what I want to do.'

You then sighed before facing her properly. "Nothing..." You then took note on how everybody was looking at you with pity but once you had caught an eye they all turned back on to what they were doing previously. "Traitors.." you mumble.

Annabeth sighs at your actions but then stares at you. Your glorious burrito wrapped body was what she was staring at.

Noting that she was staring at you with complete disappointment. You then unwrapped your self and scooted closer to Annabeth. Noticing she was only wearing a Christmas sweater. Then placing the blanket over her shoulders.

She smiled happily at you before scooting closer. But then a devious smile went on her face. "Just because were on our Christmas break...." She paused before staring at your =nervous form. "Does not mean we have to stop learning a bit."

And on that exact moment everybody groaned while Percy and Leo for some reason said "Ya ruined this perfect Christmassy-vibe here!" at the exact same time. But horror struck their faces once they realized they said the same thing. They then walked to the end of their side of the room. Narrowing their eyes as if they were now enemies.

You groaned before staring ta Annabeth. "Please give mercy on the innoc---"

"Your sure your innocent?" Annabeth questioned.

Will and Nico they looked at each other as if they had thought of the same thing. Nico then gestured Will with his head before Will saying. "Oh no she's/he's innocent. Me and Nico one time saw her step on a trail of ants."

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at them. "What does that have to do with this?"

"The thing is, is that (Y/N) went down on the ground." Nico added on.

"And then she apoligized...She apoligized to ants. Who does that?!" Will questioned before looking at everyone in a 'Am I right?!' look.

Annabeth then turned to you but then see's you saluting to yourself and saying. "They lived a good life..."

Annabeth stared blankly at your before slapping the back of your neck.

The shock was evident in your face and you then clutched the back of your neck. "pain...pain....all i know is pain...." You mumbled. While inwardly highfiving yourself at the Teen Titans Go! reference.

Annabeth then sighs before handing you the clipboard with a piece of paper and a pencil. "Write anything on here and I will solve it! It's gonna be a new year and I need to warm up myself." You then lazily looked up to see a determined look in her eyes.

You then think of something before righting it down on the paper. 'So warm....' you thought as the blanket was finally working it's effects on you. 'Why can't I always feel this way...stupid weather and global warming for making the winters warmer. I need my hot cocoa and fuzzy blankets....' you randomly thought once you finished the math problem. "Done" you answer lifting the paper up to Annabeth.

Annabeth that snatched it away from you before looking at the problem.

2(2x-i) > 4x-6u

"Seriously? Math is easy!" Annabeth answered.

Made 2 small scenarios, Some people love/like math while some people (me) depise or just don't like it. It doesn't have  big affect on this story.

A)"No it's not....whatever just solve it" You answered.

B)"well yeah....So then solve it" You answered.

Annabeth sighed before working on the problem. Also doing her work on the paper.

4x-2i > 4x-6u

-2i > -6u

2i < 6u

'Why is she making me do such a easy problem?' Annabeth thinks.

i <3 u

Annabeth's eyes widened before her face completely turns red. She turns to you to see you already taking pictures of her and having a devious smirk on your face.

Later on.....

On Facebook (I'm not into social media...So I don't have that snapchat or instagrammy stuff. :D ) There's a post of Leo and you wearing sunglasses while sitting next to a blushing Annabeth while on the captions, it says 

Bad Boy Supreme is feeling happy

Congratulations (Y/N)! You broke Annabeth!

18 minutes ago

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1 minute ago

(Y/N) (L/N): This may be not my own account...But LEO I'm COMING FOR YOU NEXT!!!!

Persassy Jackson and 2 others like this

Bad Boy Supreme: well...I'm dead....

89 people likes this


The end!. I know this is a bit random...

Sayonara Slothies!


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