My Sunshine! (Choice A)

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1st part! Next Is part B!

(A: "S-sure...." then you nod your head in fear. To ashamed to look at him.)

Nico smiled sickeningly. He grabbed your chin roughly before smashing his lips on yours.

You pulled away. Not wanting to continue this any longer.

He whispered into your ear "Just what I wanted to hear." He laughed. He suddenly stood up, looking at you as if he was wondering how to dress you or something.

He snapped his fingers, "Red! You're dress should be dyed in the colors of those evil peoples blood! So when we get married..." He looks right into your soul. "Their spirits will see that you BELONG to ME."

"C-can I at least have some freedom?" You studdered. You may be petrified in the inside, but you were smart.

Nico narrowed his eyes at you. "Why?" He sneered. He grabbed you roughly before pushing you against the cold brick wall. He leaned in resting his forehead on yours.

The chains tightened around you, wincing you looked him into his eyes. Dark black pools that used to be a dark hot chocolate color.

"D-don't you trust me? I am going to be your wife so.." You looked at his nose instead of his eyes. 

Nico raised his eyebrows at you, seemingly agreeing to this. He shoved you onto the floor looking at you as if you were some toy. But in fact you were, his doll.

5 months later...

Nico had seemed to trust you. You followed his orders, didn't try to escape, and seemed to show affection to him. You would occasionally hold his hand, rest your head on his shoulder, or his favorite give him a peck on the cheek.

"DOLL!" Nico yelled. You came right from the other room where you had been organizing all his books.

"Yes?" You said, tilting your head at him in confusion.

He glared at your way before picking up the sword that killed all your friends. He looked at you expecting to flinch. But to his surprise you smiled, "Why would you hold that sword? It can hurt you dear."

He leaned in closer to you now seeing that your pupils are gone and looking lifeless. You had grown insane and you loved it. You heard voices in your head, your new friends and ONLY friends.

Nico had lost the girl he loved so deeply. Because of him you had grown mad, psycho, INSANE

He stared at you in shock, then he gripped his sword tightly. Aiming at you he sneered. "You're a mad women."

"But dear.." You're eyes glowed dangerously. You were no longer (Y/N). She was to nice. To sassy. To Idiotic. You never been able to live your life because of the demigods you once called friends. You have gotten insane every second, each minute, exact month. You had been hold down by everything, everyone, and the gods. You despised the gods with every fiber in your being. Especially (Y/P). Oh how you hated Him/Her.

"You made me into this!" You cackled, "Isn't that what YOU wanted?!? Didn't you want me to be PERFECT!" You screamed. Getting a cleaver that had been hanging in the wall for display. "If you don't love me for who I am now..." You're eyes stared down at the shocked looking boy. "THEN I'LL MAKE YOU!!!" You slashed the cleaver but in time Nico had dodged it.

'Damit!' Nico thought. He ran to the exit, trying to get away from the mad women who USED to be his lover. Nico was scared. He wanted to cry. All he wanted was (Y/N) to love him. Every since Bianca, his mom, his dad disappeared from his life. He had thought that (Y/N) was the answer to his chance of happiness. Yet he knew that he still loved her. No matter what happened. He ADORED her.

Nico knelt at the ground tears dripping from his eyes. He LOVED you. Yet he turned you into a monster. He still loved you.

You walked right in front of hm. A sickening smirk spreaded across you features. "Bye~ By---"

A sword ran into your stomach. slicing your insides. Blood splattered Nico's clothes and face as he watched your life flashing before your life. You fell to the ground eyes opened wide blood running down your chin. You had now realized the monster you had become.

Nico sobbed loudly as he watched your eyes become more and more dull. All he wanted was somebody to love him. "(Y/N) I-I'm sorry. FOR EVERYTHING I HAD FRICKIN' MESSED UP!!!" He gripped your hand softly. "P-please, come b-back to m-me!" Nico cried.

He watched as your eyes begun to close. But he still heard what you had whispered.

"I Love you, My Light..."

From there Nico grew up living alone with no body. It was his 84th birthday. But no one was there to congratulate him, hug him, kiss him. He stared at the burning fire. "My Light" he mumbled.

"You're Light" A soft whisper floated through the room. That was you voice. You're presence in the very room. "Happy Birthday, Ghost King"

His voice widened at your last words. A single tear slid down his cheek and plopped on the cold wooden floor.

"Ti amo, Nico. Youre la mia luce io sono tuo"

Okay I'm balling into a corner now! My emo corner! *Sobs loudly*

Yeah so basically YOU went all Yandere-ish but in the end Nico and you loved each other. You died. Yada yada yada... Gomen'nasai! If You didn't like this choice! And this one is short. Poo. The next one though.....Well beware because you might perfer this one a little more. Or Not! To me I love all Yandere's so...yeah! Arigatō! Now please excuse me as I join Tamaki into the Emo corner club.


               [Currently crying my eyes out]

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