Moving On(Leo Valdez)

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Your a daughter of Poseidon

Your POV

You noticed that Leo always seemed nervous when you guys hanged out. You were his girlfriend. Something was up.

It was night time. You walked to bunker 9 hoping to see that Leo was awake.

You see Leo sleeping on his work table. You smiled at him.

That's when you saw it. A heart shaped locket. That said I Love You on the outside. You didn't peek. Knowing Leo, he hates ruined surprises. You put the locket in his jacket. Like you didn't know anything about it.

"Leo?" You shake him gently.

"Wha?" He saw it was you.

You swear on the River Styx that his mood changed. Like it didn't know what his expression was. But it seemed like he was thinking of someone else.

"Are you okay?" You say concerned.

"Uh....Yeah! Peachy Keen! Ha ha. Um....Why are you here?" He said. Like he didn't want you here.

He sounded so nervous.

"Are you alright?" You asked....again.

But he ignored you. "Hey. Um what time is it?"

"Uh" you looked at your watch. "7:39?"

"I'm late!" He yelled. He ran out the door.

This worried you.

He's late? Late for what? He never even kissed your cheek like he used too. You decided to call the Love Expert.

~  Brought to you bye: Hermes Express  ~

"PIPER!" You yelled. You saw her with Jason. Oops.

You ran out. Ugh. Never want to see that again.

You went to Leo's secret place.

And you opened it you were horrified. You saw Leo. Kissing Calypso. And the locket you saw earlier. Calypso was holding it. What broke your heart was that Leo was smiling. SMILING!!!

They broke apart and Leo saw you. His mad smile faded.

"H-how could you!" You screamed at Leo.

Leo was the one you always trusted first. This was a BIG no no.

"I-I can explain!" He hesitated.

"No! I can explain! I never want to see your Stupid,Ugly,Heart Breaker Face EVER AGAIN!" You screamed.

You ripped off the bracelet Leo gave you and ran.

You ran into the lake. It was warm. Like it had been microwaved for 15 seconds.

Then you saw a cliff. Mwa ha ha ha.

You jumped OFF the cliff. Without hesitation. You were insane and you know it.

"Woo! Yeah!" You whooped so loud, probably Olympus can here you.

But then again, you would probably be zapped to bits with Zeus saying 'Eat Voltage, Sea Scum!'

You shuddered at that thought.

But in the water you felt absolutely invincible.

But you still didn't want to become a fried Poseidon kid. Manly because of Zeus. Yeah! Just wear a sign that just says 'The new style fried fish! Now in human form!' Ha ha no. Cannibals.

I should do something Leo will regret...

You had your master plan in your mind already.

Nest day...

"UHAHAHAHWHAHWHAUWHAUWHUWHAHWHAUHWUWHHAHWHSUSHSHSUSHSHSUHAUASDFGHJKLGAGGAGAGAGAGAGGAGGGAAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAG!!!" A loud scream filled the air while a particular demigod ate a bowl of frosted flakes, with a smug look on her face.

Just then a blue-haired, slime-covered, ripped and tattered clothed demigod appeared.

Laughs burst through the cafeteria.

You stood up and walked right up to him.



You walked away singing the spongebob square pants song with a proud look on your face.

<( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)>


(You figure out what happens next :P sorry if it's confusing)

Sorry it took so long to update...I had no time and forgot to go on Wattpad because I kept watching animes...AWESOME!!! Especially Seraph of the End  . My absolute favorite anime. YU AND MIKA FOREVER!


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