Random(Percy Jackson)

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Your POV

"Percy where are we going!" You complained to your best friend.

"Wait here!" He came out...

And got a blanket.

"Percy you know me better then anyone else on earth."

He smiled.

"So why did you give me a blanket?!" You finished.

He frowned.

"Because I want to murder you!" He yelled.

"Really? Prove it." You remarked.

You were no chicken.

"Um...Uh...Boo!" He yelled. Miserably failing at his attempted.

"That. Was. Bad." You said.

Percy frowned.

"I think my grandma can do better then you. She collects those creepy porcelain dolls" you put your hands in a spooky way.

You whispered in Percy's ear. "They are just waiting for the right time. Then once their victim is all alone...YOU DIE!"

Percy screamed like a little girl.

You went laughing on your butt.

Him glaring at you and he pulled the blanket over him.

Shaking with fear.

"NOT FUNNY!" He yelled in a childish way.

You went up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Better?" You asked.

Percy smirked. "I think you kissed the wrong place."

"Oh really? Where?" You smirked.

He smirked even more. "I think I will just have to show you. Oh boo hoo."

He leaned in....

And kissed your freaking lips.

He gently kissed them.

Once he pulled away you were a deep Leo Valdez red blush.

He blushes really red. So you compare your deep blushes to his.

"There! Now those *beep* boys will back off my lady!"

"You really had to say beep?" You asked confused.

"Hey! I don't cuss in front of my bff and fgitwmiw!" He said in a high pitched voice.

"Wha? Fgitwmiw?" You narrowed your eyes at the weirdo.

"It. Like. Totally stands for 'Fave Girl In The Whole Monster Infested World!'" He waved his hands in the hair like he doesn't care.

"Are--Are you high?"






"Just asking! Yeesh." You puted your and hands up in defense.

Today... Was Random.


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